Ch 2.Sorting and Mating

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I climbed up the steps and bumped into a wall.

"Uh.... what the fuck is a wall doing in the middle of a hall." When I heard a clearing of the throat. I looked up to see...........

The most beautiful pair of eyes. I can stare at them the whole day, I felt like the eyes were drawing me deep down the ocean. They were of electric blue colour. He had dirty blond hair and chiselled face. He was the most handsome person I have ever seen. It felt like the world around us has stopped moving and no one other than us exist in the hall way.

He brushed away my strawberry blond locks from my face and immediately my face heated up. He looked at me and growled, his eyes changed into midnight blue. I gasped. No way he can't be like me.

"Beautiful." I was brought out my state of trans by his deep voice. It was like melody to my ears.

"Excuse me!" saying that I pushed him a little away to maintain a decent distance between us. I decided to play coy. I didn't believe in love at first sight, but this must be attraction at first sight.

"Mine!" he growled and pulled me closer by my waist. Heat again rose my cheeks.

"If you let me go, I have to find the Great Hall."

"You are a fresher I guess?"

"Um... yeah."

"Come let me lead the way."

"Oh no, you don't have to bother."

"Hey there is nothing to bother, I too need to go to the Great Hall for dinner and sorting."

"Um... okay." My cheeks tingled with some foreign sensation and my heart rate increased abnormally. I have never felt this much desirability for someone else in my life. It was like my heart, brain and whole body screaming he is the one, don't let him go. The way he looked at me, those eyes beheld respect, care and love for me. I cleared my thoughts once again and thought how can a hope that a Greek god like someone like me, no seriously look at me, small and reedy, I don't even look good, with these sky eyes and strawberry blonde, the only positive thing is my eyes changes from blue to green when I'm extremely emotional, that's something magical.

"I think you overthink a lot and to be honest, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Now that door is the way to The Great Hall, I have some business to take care of." I was brought back from my state of trans by his deep voice.

"I... uh... thanks. It was nice to meet you, see you around." I moved away from him and he stood there when I heard a distinct whisper, "uh...I already miss you, mate." That's when my heart cried to turn around and I did so. I saw him standing there and I gave him a sad smile and went inside the double doors in front of me, that's when the realisation dawned on me, oh shit! I did not ask his name. I facepalmed myself in frustration, that's when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see two girls, one purple eyed and another yellow eyed, they both looked like twins. Both had black hair and pale silky skin.

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