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A war between Moniyan Empire and Dark Abyss,again.

Ended up with Empire's glorious victory,once again.

Although plenty of Imperial soldiers died during the battle,as usual,

That war was different.That was the time I lost my parents,both of them.

I even don't know how they died,or who did killed them.So,

What's the truth?

Silvanna's POV:

And another Holy Council of Knights.That's 3rd time we meet this week.Usually,Holy Council meets up only during the emergencies,to find a wise solution.But after my father's death,demons started to gather and attack from all the sides and times.Even though it's the 3rd time,I doubt that it's going to be the last one.

-Your majesty,we got reports of Necromancy beeing used,was said by the one of the Holy Knights

Holy Knights are the members of Council,they're the best warriors of the Empire.They symbolize the honor and duty of the their hometowns they came from.However,during my father's period of rule,a serious conflict among the knights caused serious troubles to our unity.The Demon Hunter and Warrior of Dawn left the council,and went missing...There's the rumor that one of them is at the moon elves forest,and another one went to Northen Vale.After recalling most of the past events,I finally gathered enough courage to specify the location

-So,could you spot the place that magic was cast?We need more specified information.

After that,the knight that reported,Julius,responded.I didn't need his respond though.It's obvious from his face that they couldn't.

-Sorry,my majesty,we don't have enough powerful mage that can track the user.We can only sense it's existence.

I tried to hurry in a response.

-But what about Elve-,oh,uhm nevermind.

Yeah,another conflict.Months before my father passing away,we abandoned the contract with Moon Elves,the race that was our ally for centuries.During the rebellion of Dark Elves,Moniyan should have supported his ally,Moon Elves,but instead we have chosen to be neutral.Because of that,not only Estes declared that we're no longer allies,but elves now live in two different sides,The Moon Elves and The Dark Elves,that is working together with The Abyss.

Alice's plan works well,we have to stop this.

-Well,actually we don't need a powerful mage to find where necromancy comes from.

Another Holy Knight said that by standing up with a clear confidence on his face.That was no other that The Death Chanter,one of the few childhood friend I have,Granger.He has to keep formality,as I'm the princess and he's a member of council,but I can see that he's also fed up with all these problems

I looked at his direction as I replied.

-How can you be so sure of that,The Death Chanter?

Granger lookad at me,still with a confidence.

-There're only two people in the Land of Dawn that learned necromancy,and how coincedental,they live in a same castle.

He was right.Absolutely right.Only Vexana and Faramis learned the dark magic,together as they were exiled from the Empire and since that,they got all the support from The Lord of Lava,Thamuz,another treat that is coming to our kingdom.

Actually,not realizing that is a shame for me,so I have to come up with something.

-That's a good point,Granger.Julius,send one of your knights as an envoy,and tell that The 34th Ruler of Moniyan Empire,Princess Silvanna demands them to stop casting dark magic.

After my motivational confident speech,everyone seems to be affected.

-As you wish,my majesty,Julius replied.

-All my dear knights and protectors of Moniyan Empire,don't let demons perish our land!And if something happens,let your queen know!

(3 days later)

I was sitting at my throne,gathered not the Council,but only people I really trust.Only person I trust.

-Granger,what do you think?We're slowly going to declare a war to Abyss,have to retrieve our allience with Moon Elves,and I can't even find a proper mage to detect magic users,our spy at Necromancer Area has been spotted and killed.What should we do?What should I do,Granger?

It looks like Grangy still has the same confidence as 3 days ago.Geniunely smiling,like he was ready for my question,he began to explain his ideas.

-Silvi.I think we should form the Lightborn Squad,like our ancestors did a long time ago.We shall gather the greatest spirits of Dawn,prepare them mentally and phisically,and end this difficult period.

-L-lightborn squad?You m-mean that legendary Lightborn Squad,which was organized during the first king,The Great Emperor?

-Yes,my majesty.And you,Silvi are going to be the queen that will lead us to victory.

Granger,always confident,but usually cold to others.Whenever I think he's mistaken,he proves that he's already two step ahead of everyone.That's why I rely on him.

-But,we need 5 members for the Greatest Team.A rock-hard tank a reliable marksman,well-balanced fighter,flexible assasin and a supporting mage.How are we going to choose from all these people?

And there goes already-steps-ahead-Grangy again.

-You know,Silvi,I was thinking about it for like a week,and I've come to conclusion that we need not only suitable spirits for each role,we also need the ones that have deep connection to this land,that they can swear loyalty and protect this land for the cost of their lives.And I think I found perfect people for almost all roles.

-Y-you think?

-Absolutely,let's start with assasin,free like a bird,dangerous like a wasp.She will be at the Fair next day.

-How can you be so sure about that?

-Because I know her.We know her and you do know that she'll be there.

-And who's our candidate?

Smiling,he stared right to my eyes.

-Hmph,you will see.

The End of Prologue

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