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At the Land of Dawn,power of a warrior is ranked with marks,which are E,D,C,B,B+,A,A+,S and The Ultimate - S+ tier.Warriors are classified among mages,who can use spells and summon elementalpowers,marksmans, who can easily compete with others by their long-ranged attacks,and fighters,who are best at both taking and dealing damage.The tier of a hero is selected as the avarage aspects of that hero.

That aspects are;

I.Durability-How much damage a hero can take.

This aspect is universal,meaning that it's counted on every class of a hero.

II.Combat-How good can a hero hadnle a one-to-one combat.

III.Precision-It's the accuracy of a hero.

2nd and 3rd aspects stand for marksman and fighter,a good score at "Precision" is essential for a marksman.

IV.Mana Capacity-Or also called "Battery" is how much mana can a hero absorb.

V.Burst Mastery/Burst-How well a hero can control mana which's stored inside him and create a magic spell.

The last two are only important for mages.

All the big organizations,or even kingdoms are looking for S-tier heroes,as S+ simply means "being a god"

3rd Person POV:

(P.S:In this episode,thoughts of some main charecters are written in Italic)

After a blonde boy,a blonde princess and a little red haired little thief made a team of 3,they continued their way to the Barren Lands,each one having their own reasons.

Alucard,the blonde boy,appears to be charismatic and courageous.But deep inside,all he wants is to make his father proud of him,by showing his talents against demons at the battlefield.

Silvanna,the blonde princess,wanted just to show herself.At the age of 8,she didn't understand that a little girl is not enough to encourage an army,who's been fighting demons for 2 weeks without any breaks.

Natalia,the red haired girl,didn't actually any reasons.She's been feeling lonely always hiding in shadows,and she was so happy that she was noticed by someone.And after that,she decided to protect people that made her happy.

But they weren't aware of the reality.

After two hours of meeting Natalia,the group of three happened to see another lonely soul.

-Hey,you damn nerd,get outta my way!

As that words were said,something inside Alucard went crazy.Silvanna already understood after him helping Natalia that Alucard is a man-or a boy for now-of justice,and injustice simply drives him mad.

Alucard rushed at the direction where he heard that voice.Even Natalia,who's been running away for weeks,could barely keep up with him.

H-he real-lly is a B-b clas-s fighter-r.Natalia thought to herself as she's breathing hardly after all that running.All that she's hoped was that Silvanna would find them as she really sucked at running between buildings.

Silvanna,wasn't used to all that rushes that she instantly lost the track of others.Natalia's already gone far away,and all that Silvanna did for an hour was to searching for them everywhere.

When she finally found them,Alucard has already got into a fight with two boys.There was also another boy,who's been sitting behind Alucard and staring at him with shocked eyes.

That Alucard truly knows how to earn respect.

As Silvanna were thinking that,she quitely started to understand the situation.

That boy with black-grey hair,was being bullied by the ones that Alucard was fighting,obviously.As he was looking weak,Alucard decided to help him.

Silvanna wan't intented to help Alucard,though.

Because everyone understood that Alucard is the one that's winning this two-to-one battle.

-Hmph,that's a B class fighter for ya.

That was a smart move from Alucard.He revealed his tier,to put his opponents into a more stress.And right after that,the bullies ran away from that place.

As Alucard won this fight,he turned and walked to that small boy's direction.

-Hey,boy are you alright?

That little boy finally stoped gazing and actually realized what's going on.He stood up,as he looked right into Alucard's eyes.

-Yes!I'm fine,thank you very much e-ehm...

As that boy started hesitating,no one but Alucard understood the situation.

-Alucard,my name is Alucard.You can go to your family now,little boy.

That boy stared at Alucard,maybe with hate,or with despair,but Alucard knew that he's doing the wrong thing.He just wanted to make sure that...

-You can call me Granger,I-I don't have a family-after starting to cry-they all died at the last war!

Yes,I knew that.It'd be bad if we leave him alone.I have a feeling like we're going to be the team of orphans.

-H-hey Granger,that blonde girl is Silvanna,and the one who's been standing here is Natalia,we're actually a team,and do you want to join us?It's getting darker now,and we'll really need another pair of hands.

Alucard actually didn't nee any help.He just felt bad for Granger,and offered him help.Luckily,that boy seems to have more confidence than Natalia,so it's easier to talk with him.

-Yeah,sure.I don't have any place to go anyways.

-Great,Silvanna you don't mind,right?

As Alucard asked that queastion,Silvanna started to respect Alucard even more.He'll be a good knight,she thought.

-Of course,it's even better to have another mate joining us!

Alucard looked at the Natalia,who also admired him,and gave a thumbs up as a sign of her agreement with him.

(An hour later)

Granger's POV:


Honestly,I didn't know that we,a team of 4 little children can actually survive a night all alone,but it was like fated to meet each other.Alucard is a tough boy,not only protecting me from bullies,but also carrying tree branches for a campfire.

That girl with red hair,Natalie if I remember,was requested by Alucard to find some food.

Firstly she looked at him shocked,like she didn't want to do that.

-But Natalia,we need your skill here.Please,help us.

That's right,Natalia was her name...


It's already night.

I'm quite impressed by Natalia's skill, The Conceal.Only half of an hour passed,but we already have meat,bread and even some marshmallow.

Alucard brought some tree branches,and Silvanna made a campfire.And now,we're all enjoying our dinner.

We were enjoying our meal while Alucard asked a very reasonable question that made me thinking all the night.


-Which weapons are you going to use,everyone?


A.N:Hi guys!I'll try to upload more often as writing longer chapters as summer beggins.Sorry for delay.

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