Chapter 1

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"Why do you hold onto that?"

Naia looked up to see one of the younger Siren near the entrance of her underwater cave, holding onto the little doll that came from the girl from the surface. 

She sighed and turned to face her, "because it holds onto a memory for me."

A memory that had never left her since that day happened. Almost as a lesson, a reminder of something that happened that she never wanted to happen. Naia never regretted the moment she saved the little girl, but sticking around was something she should not have done. 

It made her scales stand up on edge.

That elastic pull that she had felt, and still does feel.

"What kind of memory?" The little Siren was curious, far too curious. Something they had been taught since they could swim on their own. To be curious of what happens outside of the water, is to die.

"To never do something that I have done ever again." She swam over and pulled the doll out of the Siren's hands, staring at it before putting it back in place where she had set it. "A lesson about the surface and what happens when you go near the land. Never go there. Okay?"

She felt a pang of annoyance at the young Siren coming into her space, touching her things, looking at everything she had collected over the years. A collection of memories and things that she would not forget as long as she swam freely. Her travels across the oceans, missions, meeting other Pods and creating alliances for her own Pod. 

Naia had a very important job in her Pod. She was not a teacher to the young Sirens, nor was she someone that stuck around for a long period of time. She was often sent away to make sure that the peace remained. 

The things that happened in the ocean needed to stay in the ocean and everyone needed to get along. 

She swam with the dolphins, playing with them as they spoke to her about all the things that they have learned. Dolphins are some of the most gossipy creatures in the water. But they were full of knowledge and would be your bestfriend as long as you treated them fairly. Often sticking close to Pods to keep the sharks far away. But there was never usually any issues with the sharks.

Sharks were known as the species that primarily just wanted to feed. Giving them offerings was the job of some of the Sirens who remained in the Pods. Setting up a feeding ground so they would know where to go and where to stay away from. It helped to keep the peace from all of them, and would protect everyone.

Living in harmony was one of the most important things to the Merfolk and all that lived next to or near.

Being one who was in constant travel, Naia had a vast knowledge of everything that happened in the surrounding waters. She had gotten to know so many creatures and others who lived in the water over the years.

"What does that mean?" The young Siren's eyes were wide with wonder. Her mind was circling around the mention of the surface by the land. Green grasses, and trees that reached up so high they could touch the clouds. 

Naia shook her head. "Nothing. Just listen to what I say." Her tone was hard, demanding, and expecting the young one to listen. "You should go, you have class."

"But I want to know more!" Whined the youngling. Her face turned down into a frown. "You could teach me. Tell me about why I shouldn't go there."

"I don't teach."

"But why not?"

Naia sighed loudly. Her patience wearing thin, she was trying to be as nice as possible. She remembers what it was like to be a youngling. Someone who was completely curious of the world and everything it held in it. 

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