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I don't have the temperament for long term revenge. Sure, I'll dish it out for instant payback, but I don't sit up all night planing a horrible revenge. The thing is, lots of things make me angry really quick. Tapping your pencil on the desk, not holding the door open for people who carry stuff, those sort of things.

I actually have a pretty short fuse. It's just that everything can light it, but it doesn't burn down for everything that lights it. The way it explodes is different too. Most of the time, you won't even see it, but it's there, internally flipping you off. That's what I consider my patience. Sure, you're driving me nuts but I'm not going to fly off the handle about it.

One of the reasons I don't do revenge is how much energy it takes. Dude, if you ram into me and curse me out, no biggie. Not like I'm going to spend much time weeping about it. I'm not going to sit in my evil laboratory and concoct a twelve step plan to ruin your life. Newsflash: you're not worth it. I've got bigger fish to fry and frankly, I'd rather finish my trig. homework then worrying about you. Are you a jerk? Too bad, that's a you problem.

Insult my religion, and I will stay relitivly calm, explaining why you are wrong. Say I'm ugly, and I'll ask if I look like a mirror. But if you say a single word about my friends or family, I will fuck your shit up. I will fight tooth and nail for anyone a friend of a friend and up. I won't use my fists. Those are too mainstream, and much too good for people like that. For me, the only revenge good enough for lies is the cold hard truth. Words don't leave brusies. They maim.

I will tell you the truth you ignore, speak your every sin, shame you till you fall. And when you lay there, the light gone from you stunned eyes, hope a forgotten word, there I will stand beside you, admiring my handy work. After quietly congratulating myself, I speak but once more. With a murmer so quiet only you can hear it, I will say a yo momma joke, and disappear like mist in the breeze.

Dear Sanity...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن