Letter to Spock

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I know what it is like to feel. To have emotion; to be bent by impulses I cannot control. They have blinded me, made me stumble and fall when I needed them to be their strongest. I have been weak. I have failed when others needed me. When it was most important. I know what it is like to feel.
And so do you.
Every thought is a luxury, a selfish treasure you hold. Any hope is a misplaced trust. One that will destroy everything you love.
You dreams are poison that flow through the world and get stuck in the cracks.
You are a ticking bomb, passing the day in your loved one's heart. As you burn closer to the powder you hear a match sticking close to your soul. They just lit the fuse.
No matter what you say, what you do it will end up in pain. Pain that you cause, pain that you feel, pain that you have to inflict on the world so it won't forget your touch. Feelings make us drunk on rage and fear, inhibit us with confusion and love, make us sick with desperation.
I feel all these things as you do. Perhaps you are wiser for suppressing them. Somehow, I believe I am braver through living them.
Live long and prosper

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