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"We shake off our burdened hearts one by one, a rocket launched us high into the sky" -Rocket by NCT DREAM


A familiar tune played in the background and when the climax came, there was movement. As the puppy was lifted high above 5 feet, a light was hitting her perfectly. The music continued to drone on in the background and the scent surrounding her was unfamiliar. Although, the faces of the people before her was less foreign.


Johnny sang along to the track as he used his phone as a lightstick and recorded the moment with his camera. The fifth floor members did some synchronized swaying while Haechan lifted Daegal over his head, and into the spotlight created from turning off most of the lights in their dorm. Their adjustable lamp was positioned so strategically so that it'd hit Daegal in all the right ways.

Once the song was finished, the group lost their facades as reality began to dawn on them. Laughter erupted from every human in the room, startling the young puppy who was formerly placed on what appeared to be a pedestal made out of Haechan's hands.

This place is noisy too....

After they took a few moments to regain their sanity, Doyoung gestured for the younger boy to place Daegal on their table. At the instance that the girl's paws met with a stable surface, she seemed to have been exhausted. The Bichon Frise yawned as she slowly let her body relax onto the cool material.

"Hi, Daegal!!"
"Are you the bunny oppa?"
"Oh no! What do I do! You're so cute!!"
"What's your name?"

"Doyoung, if you don't know what to do get outta the way I wanna take pictures!"
"You're recording this anyways why do you need pictures?"
"The videos are for JCC, the pictures are to share with the others and make them feel jealous."

"Yas, Daegal! Get it! Strike that pose one more time!"

"Oppa, are you another one of the photographers?"
"Okay, I think that's enough pictures. Time for some real bonding!"

Johnny brought the pet to rest on his chest as he walked over to the couch. After getting settled in, he reclined the seat back so that Daegal could lie on his chest more confortably. He pet her gently and she remained stationary. Until he abruptly stopped petting her, at which the female searched for his hand in shock.

Where'd it go?? My fur feels so...

Daegal ruffled her own fur by shaking and wiggling about rather strongly. The male giggled before going back to petting the girl who began to bring herself closer to his face.

"Johnny, can I take her now?"
"Pay me."
"But you don't even pay for the fish tank anymore, you just decorated it and left me to deal with it."
"Those are your pets, though."

Seeing there was no point in asking his friend who had her in his possession, there was only one other party he could ask. The male with boba eyes crouched so that his eye level would be around Daegal's head.

"Daegallie... Do you wanna come to me?"

"Oh! You're the oppa who flew!"
"I have treats!"

Taeyong watched as her eyes lit up and she prepared to stand, ready to transfer to him. He decided to open the treat first though, while he still had his hands free. Post gently lifting her and plopping her body onto his arm, he offered her the treats.

This is really good!
"It's yummy, right?"
"Yes! Can you show Appa later so that he buys it for me?"
"I'll give you a lot to take home later."

Does he understand me?

"Oppa! Oppa! What's your name?"
"I guess you like that idea, huh. Make sure you remember these are from Taeyong Oppa, okay?"

Does he understand me or not?

"Oh... I think you finished this already. If Chenle lets you, you can have another one but for now... let's wait for your food to settle a bit."

Okay, Taeyong Oppa.

As she was being rocked gently, the environment was filled with serenity. She was beginning to close her eyes as she nuzzled her head into the crook of Taeyong's arm. Suddenly she had noticed a drawing and her eyes flung open in sudden curiousity.

Oh... He's like Renjun Oppa... always has some kind of ink or dirt on his arm. Does that mean that Taeyong Oppa also "arts"? Was that what it was called?

As she had done every so often when she noticed paint splatter onto Renjun's skin, Daegal licked the spot with said drawing.

"What- ah."

Why won't it go away?

"That... that's Ruby."
"My old dog..."
"Oppa? You seem... sad?"
"Yeah, I wish you could have met her, too."


"Good morning Kkami..."

The long-haired Chihuahua perked up a little at his owner's voice, summoning the energy to lift his head a little from the blanket a little. After giving Hyunjin a bored look, he settled his head on his paws again, ready to go back to sleep.

Unfortunately, both of them knew this wasn't going to happen. "Kkamiii..." Hyunjin mumbled, trying to hug the furry animal.

Kkami finally awoke himself, slipping away from his owner's grasp and settling down elsewhere on the bed. Go away, I want to sleep. Hyunjin refused to give up, patting the spot next to him in hopes that his dog would accept his unrequited love.

After a while, Kkami allowed himself to be pulled towards Hyunjin. The two lay there for a while, until the human decided it was about time they woke up. Their morning routine of waking up was over as the two got up in search of food.

Kkami shook himself out on the floor, stretching his jaws in a yawn. He suddenly remembered the little white dog he had met the previous day, happiness flooding through him as he thought about the new friend he had made.

"Daegal is a really good friend, Hyunjin. Can you take me back to the dog park today so I can see her?"

"I had so much fun with Daegal. I want to play with her again."
"Hyunjin, we never finished our game of tug-of-war. I was winning!"
"The dog park! I want to go back!"

The dog's pleads were ignored as his confused owner looked through the refrigerator for breakfast. After a little more begging, Kkami finally stopped, realizing that his owner would probably never understand him. He ended his begging and switched to an attempt of getting food, which he was actually successful in.

"Hm, you had fun with Daegal yesterday, didn't you?" Hyunjin remarked, speaking to his dog as he ate breakfast. "You didn't even want to leave."

"Wow, you're late, but I did have fun with her. She's a really fun and cute dog! I was asking earlier if you could take me back to the dog park today-"

"Can I have a kiss for giving you food?" Hyunjin asked, pulling the little dog on his lap even closer to his body. Kkami, who was finally full, jumped down and shook himself out again.

After Hyunjin had finished washing the dishes and attempting to voice his complaints to his unbothered dog, he admired his pet for a while before leaving to take a shower. Kkami settled down on his bed, ready to sleep in hopes he might dream about his new friend.

All I want is a playdate with Daegal... 


we love u ruby ;-;

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