Chapter 4

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I ran onto the track and freaked out, running to the side of the car where Soda was seated. He and Steve were both unconscious. Evie ran right to me and said some words I couldn't make out, due to the sirens and the worry going through my mind. Time was going so fast yet, so slow.
The next thing I know, I was being pushed away from the scene by some people trying to flip the car back over. I was panicking. Soda might be dead. The only person in my life I could trust might be gone forever.
I turned around and saw everyone else standing in shock. All the girls except for Sandy were huddled around Evie comforting her. Two was on the phone, with Darry I imagine. Johnny was holding Ponyboy and rubbing his back. Dallas came over to me the second I turned around and hugged me. Now I'm not big on affection and neither is Dally but, desperate times call for desperate measures.
When Dallas and I broke away I turned back around. They had gotten Steve out of the car and he was conscious. Soda, on the other hand, was being pried out of the passenger side and was unconscious. I saw Ponyboy standing next to me, looking at the same sight with a look of horror on his face. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and he leaned in closer to me. He was shaking like a leaf. I couldn't blame him. They put Sodapop on a gurney and I saw his face for a second. It was scratched up really badly and he looked so lifeless. Pony winced when he saw him.
A paramedic came and asked if he had any family present and Ponyboy and I raised our hands. He asked who would ride with him to the hospital. I looked to Dally who nodded at me and said he'd drive Ponyboy there. I followed the paramedic to the ambulance and sat down next to Soda. He had an oxygen mask on his face and a heart monitor on his finger. I put my hand in his and just felt his calloused hand.
-At the hospital-
They took Soda away as soon as we arrived at the hospital and ushered me to the waiting room where the gang was seated. I came in to see Dally and Two-Bit seated a couple of spots away from everyone else. Johnny and Ponyboy were sitting next to each other silently. Darry was still not there. Steve's mom had come and was standing next to Evie, waiting to see Steve. When Steve's name was called they went back to see him while we stood around and waited.
Within a few moments, Darry came in and hugged me and Ponyboy so hard I thought I would suffocate. We stood in that position until Sodapop's name was called and caught our attention. We walked over to the doctor to hear what condition he was in.
"He's pretty battered up. He for sure has a concussion and a broken wrist and ribs. He should be okay but he's still unconscious. There are some things we'll have to wait until he wakes up to figure out. You may go see him if you like. Room 313 down the hall." Once the doctor finished talking I walked to the room.
The room was bright white and felt weird to be in. Soda was in the bed with an oxygen tube rested below his nose and he was hooked up to so many machines. I pulled up a chair and sat down as close as I could to his bed. I took his hand in mine and started to talk to him in a hushed voice.
"Soda, I love you. I love you so much, I just want you to know." I told him rubbing his hand and kissing it.
Darry and Pony stood in the doorway and watched my interactions with Soda. I looked up at them and they nodded and brought chairs to Sodapop's bed. They told him they loved him and sat there waiting for him to wake up.
After a while of sitting in silence, Sodapop started to stir. He opened his eyes and spoke so softly I could barely hear him.
"Gracie?" He asked while his eyes adjusted to the light. It was such a relief to hear him say my name again. I know I have this tough facade, but I was so worried that he wouldn't wake up.
"Yeah Soda, it's me. I'm right here," I said matching his tone and squeezing his hand.
"Good, I love you," he paused and opened his eyes all the way. "You too Darry and Pony."
"We love you too kid," Darry said putting his hand on Soda's leg.
"I love you too Soda," Pony said looking into his big brother's eyes.
Soda nodded and squeezed my hand so lightly I could barely feel it.
"Stay with me?" Sodapop said looking at me.

In the heat of the moment- Dallas Winston x Curtis sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें