Google Translating The Prologue of my Fanfic

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I was bored so... I basically took the prologue of my book 9 fanfic, and put it through google translate multiple times (English to Arabic to Greek to English again) and got... this. XD

(I guess these are becoming less and less like one-shots- but whatever.)

Introduction - Gisela / Sophie


The Stellarlune project was about to begin.

He felt sorry for a small "project", because it reminded him too much of the Moonlark project. But he had planned it for much longer than the stupid Black Swan had planned for his stupid project.

The time has finally come. At the very moment the dumb plan can be executed.

She was glorious.

Gisela hoped - you know - that her son would fall into her trap.

He was so stupid.

Kay and her little moon will easily fool. as always. Gisela was sure of this.

At first, his son foolishly threw his friends, claiming that he was trying to make sure no one was hurt. That alone was sometimes ridiculous, Gisela wished she could see the strength and glory she would gain from joining.

But how was Kefi, he was trying to kill two birds with one stone and discover Ethan Benedict Wright's second secret in his time in the Forbidden Cities.

The moon will follow.

They both fall directly into the trap, like two carefully wrapped boxes of Prattles pins. Gisela knew this would happen, although she was surprised when she was speaking on the other side of the stool she was currently on.

He told her, "The moon destroyed our warehouse at Lodestar, it burned."



Because she was upsetting herself.

nothing important. Everything is lost.

He felt that things were getting better. Makhzen's burning gave him hope and made him realize that if they resisted, they could win. This can happen.

But ... the message.

The message drowned out every spark of hope that faded in Sophie. It made him realize the cold, harsh reality. This made him want to calm down and never get up.

He is gone - Lord Hanker, that boy, the Kiwi. Maybe for the best. 

Infection. Infection. I am going. 

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