Chapter I - Secret

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We can't tell ANYONE about what happened between us.

I know.

...and it can NEVER happen again.

That seems a bit extreme...

Come on, promise me! We have to be together on this.

I know, I'm sorry. I promise...


Not even one more time? ;)

Stop. Please. You're only making this more difficult.


*deletes all prior texts*
See you in class tomorrow?


————— {one year later} —————

Ochako glanced outside the cafe window. Rain was hitting the pavement, and left rivers running down the window panes. She clicked the top of the pen in her hand a few times, deep in thought.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late, I seem to be all over the place today!"

The color pink flooded Ochako's peripheral vision as she was suddenly pulled back to reality. Her friend began unloading her stuff onto the bar height table at which she sat, taking out a laptop and notebook.

"You're always all over the place Mina." Ochako smiled as she teased her friend.

"Ok, no need to start calling me out, damn." Mina played along. "Shall I get some coffees so we can get ready to kill this exam?"

"Yeah, thanks, I'll pull up the study guide." Ochako searched her email for the PDF sent out by their Ethics professor. The exam was tomorrow, and Ochako hadn't even looked at it yet. Mina was used to this sort of last minute prepping, but Ochako was usually more of a planner. College was putting a massive wrench in her regular study habits though. Between classes, training, work, and her internship, it seemed like Ochako barely had time to sleep. Her eyes glazed over the pages of the guide, as she pulled the textbook out of her bag.

"One extra caramel-y frapp for me, and one white chocolate mocha for you." Mina returned, drinks in hand. "How bad is it?"

"Six pages." Ochako groaned. "I knew I should've started the other day."

"Nah, we got this! We got coffee, I brought some snacks, and the whole afternoon ahead of us. Let's kick Ethics' ass!"


It went by slowly, but the pair was making progress on the study guide when there was a buzzing on the table.

"Oh, sorry, that's me." Ochako found her cell under some papers and looked at the screen.

[Bakugou]: You're pretty, you know that?

Ochako felt her heart skip a beat, but she had to steel herself.

What the hell? Why would he-? Nevermind, just don't let Mina the think anything is up. Nothing is happening. Nothing. Is. Happening.

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