Chapter II - Last Year

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"Well, we made it through the whole thing... Let's hope at least eighty percent of it sticks!" Ochako exclaimed, stretching her arms up into the air.

"I'd honestly settle for seventy percent at this point." Mina said. "This semester is kicking my ass."

Ochako chuckled lightly. "I know what you mean. We all thought senior year at UA was rough, but this is a whole new level. I just don't have time to prepare like I used to." Ochako's voice trailed off again as her mind wandered, thinking about last year.

It was both a feeling of relief and of nostalgia, realizing that it was over. So much happened and it seemed so stressful at the time, but there were also a lot of good memories packed in there.

Most of the class went on to go to the university in the same city as UA, but not everyone. Some went to study elsewhere, and others decided to go straight into hero work. And although Ochako had made some new friends, it was hard having the class split up like that after three eventful years together.

"Hey! Why do you look so sad all of a sudden?" Mina brought Ochako back to the present.

"Oh! Nothing really!" Mina gave Ochako a look that screamed 'I don't believe you'. Ochako sighed before continuing packing up her belongings. "I'm just feeling a bit nostalgic about high school I guess. I miss it sometimes."

"Yeah, I can understand that." Mina looked intensely into Ochako's eyes for a moment. "Especially when you have a special someone to miss."

Ochako was caught off guard, and became a bit flustered. "Huh? What do you mean? That is not at all what I was-"

"What ever happened between you two anyway? You and Deku? It was such a surprise but no one ever really talked about it."

"Oh. Uhm, well..." Ochako looked down at her feet as she nervously shuffled them. "Yeah, we tried not to make a big deal out of it. It's not like it ended badly or anything..."

"But it still ended? It doesn't make any sense, you two were perfect!" Mina exclaimed as the pair began walking towards the exit.

"I wouldn't say that. I mean, don't get me wrong! I love Deku, and I think I always will... but it just wasn't... I don't know how to explain it, it didn't quite feel right, you know?"

Mina furrowed her brows a bit in thought. "I suppose that makes sense."

The pair began walking in the direction of their nearby university.

"Was it the sex?" Mine asked, restarting the conversation Ochako assumed was over.

"Huh?!" Pink flushed her cheeks in embarrassment.

"You never really talked about it, but you guys were sleeping together, right?"

"Uh, yeah. A few times anyway... but that wasn't- the sex was fine. It wasn't why we broke up." Ochako used one hand to push hair behind her left ear while she spoke.



"It was fine?"

"Oh shut up!" Ochako playfully hit Mina with her bag. "The sex was great! Is that what you want to hear?!"

Mina just laughed at the flustered outburst.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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