Chapter 2

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 15, 2021. Like I said, I'm not putting out multiple udpdates, so I'm just doing this all in one sitting. Hm. I might have to pee soon. Far From Home is still playing though, so...MY BLADDER CAN WAIT.

Y/n and Rose climb the spiral staircase, sighing heavily after fighting over who was going to pay for The Best Bad Things. They make their way through the floor and into the small cafe. Nobody is there other than the barista. 

They go up to the counter. "Hi! Can I have an iced chai with an extra shot of vanilla please? Thank you!" Rose orders.

"I'll have a f/d please. Thanks," Y/n orders.

They sit down at a two-seater table in front of a window overlooking the fog-dewed street. "I say to get to know each other better, we swap books," Y/n proposes.

"What?" Rose laughs.

"Come on, I want to see what you bought!"

"Fine, fine," Rose breaks, sliding the Leo book bag over to Y/n, who slides her Louvre bag to her. Rose finds only one book, The last Nude by Ellis Avery. 

Y/n blushes. "Everyone knows queer romance is the greatest."

"No lie in that," Rose agrees. Y/n rumages through her bag and pulls out The Best Bad things that she finally bought over Y/n, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Wuthering Heights by Jane Austen, and The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.

"There's no way you haven't read these already," Y/n insists, pushing them back in the bag.

Rose smiles and laughs, leaning her elbows on the table. "Of course I have. Those there are my three favorite books that I'm getting for a friend of mine. Wants to get introduced to the best stories in literature, so they figured there's no better place to start then with their mentally ill writer friend."

"That's sweet!" Y/n exclaims. 

"I thoroughly enjoy converting people into becoming introverted book lovers that thrive off of coffee and the Twilight soundtrack," Rose jokes.

"I really think you just stepped out of Tumblr aesthetic moodboard sometimes," Y/n sighs, leaning over the table.

Rose smirks and leans back, crossing her arms. "Who said I didn't?"

"I wouldn't even be surprised."


The barista comes over, dropping off their drinks in front of them. Rose thanks her and sips on it, sighing happily as she looks out the window. "I didn't even know you lived here," Y/n says finally after watching Rose with a slight blush on her cheeks. 

"Oh, I don't. I'm just visiting. I actually live in Italy. Creme, like in Call Me By Your Name. I just fell in love with it and decided I didn't want to leave. And...I may have bought that exact villa and now live in it," Rose admits bashfully.

"Are you serious?! That's amazing!" Y/n exclaims, slamming her hands down on the table.

"Isn't it?!" Rose squeals.

"How long have you lived there?" Y/n asks.

"Only about a year or so, but it's been amazing. I get so much inspiration there," Rose responds.

"It sounds beautiful," Y/n sighs. "I'd love to go there."

"Then you'll just have to visit me," Rose smirks.

"Are you flirting with me?" Y/n asks cheekily.

Rose runs a tongue over her teeth. "What they don't tell you in the author summary is how much of a flirt I am."

"Like I said, I've read your Wattpad. I know. It's just so much better in person," Y/n smiles.

"Hm. I like you, Y/n. You fought me for a book, then fought me for purchasing, and you bought me coffee. Of course, I did the same thing, but I've learned to not expect things from people in return. It's always such a nice surprise," Rose compliments.

"Thanks! I'm...literally the exact same way," Y/n admits.

"You think we're clones?" Rose asks, squinting her eyes and leaning closer.

"Maybe," Y/n says, squinting her eyes back. The girls stare at each other before bursting into laughter. "So who's gonna read The Best Bad Things first?"

"Eh, it doesn't matter to me. You totally can. Besides, this gives me an excuse to see you again," Rose says keenly.

"I-ok then, Rose. I'll read it first and you won't have a choice other than to see me again eventually."

"You say it like it's a bad thing."

"Isn't it?"

"Only if you make it."

"Do I hear a hint of innuendo?"


"I think it depends in favor of the innuendo."

Rose's hazel eyes glance down at Y/n's resting hand beside her drink and gently rests hers on top of it. Y/n looks up at Rose earnestly, who gives her a sweet half smile.

Suddenly, Y/n's phone alarm goes off. She groans and looks down on it. "I have a class in 30 minutes. I've gotta get ready for it. I'm sorry, Rose."

Rose smiles at her and retracts her hand, much to Y/n's dismay. "That's okay! Here, lemme see your phone." She grabs Y/n's phone and quickly types in her contact.


"So that we can have innuendo over jokes and gay books later," she says with a wink, standing up and tucking her books back into her bag and grabbing her chai. 

The two walk down the staircase and stop in the doorway, the cool air nipping at them from the foggy street. "Have fun teaching," Rose whispers, sliding her hands in Y/n's and pressing a quick but savory kiss to Y/n's lips, completely catching her by surprise. 

Rose winks at her and slinks away, gripping her bag. Y/n blushes furiously, biting her nails as she watches Rose walk away. Little does Y/n know, Rose squeezes her eyes closed and presses her lips together, muffling her squeals. She resists the urge to shriek and jump up and down.

Oh. She'll get that book.

I Picked This Book||Iggee Rose x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz