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Walking out into the main room Melody couldn't help but cringe a little as she noticed half naked women and other men sleeping all around the compound. She sighs as she shook her head and walked out of the clubhouse. She wanted to get home for a quick shower and get ready for work. She just hopes that Kimberly had no problem with closing the bookstore last night. She didn't want to wake Chibs up so she left a note letting him know she was going home and then work.

Walking across the lot towards her car Melody suddenly stops when she noticed an familiar beat up truck pulling in. She quickly look back at the clubhouse to make sure Chibs or anyone else doesn't come out. She then quickly walked up to truck and quickly slammed the door shut.

" What the hell you doing here?" Melody hissed.

" Well, Damn. Someone is a little feisty this morning." Randy responded with a chuckle and a smirk.

" Cut the bullshit, I thought you went back to Texas. What the hell are  you still doing in Charming?" What exactly do you want?" Melody asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

" To talk."

"Then Talk." Melody says as she shrugged her shoulders.

" Not here, let me take you out for breakfast. Get in."

" Thanks, but I got my car. Just follow me to the Charming diner." Melody says as she backed away from the truck and continue to walk towards her car. Once she was inside and turned the engine over, she backed up and turned the wheel and speeds out of the lot. This wasn't what she expected to do once she woken up. She really doesn't want to talk to him especially after what he did to her the last time, she wasn't  even expecting  to see him again either. But now she has. She got no choice.

Gemma was standing by her office door watching the whole thing. Once she notice Melody leaving and the guy in the truck following her. Gemma stepped out of her office and walked straight into the clubhouse to let Chibs know what's going on with his old lady.


" Are you sure you're not hungry?" Randy asked once the waitress  set his breakfast down in front of him. The waitress couldn't help herself and kept flirting with him right in front of Melody and he was loving every minute of it and Melody couldn't help but cringe.

" Yeah, I sure. Look I'm supposed to be opening the bookstore in an hour. So do me a favor, quit stalling and tell me why I'm here Randy, cause I really don't have time for this."

" I wanted to apologize for what I did to you last month. But if you would have just listen and came back to Texas with me, like I asked you in the first place. You wouldn't have been in the hospital."

" That's your apology?" Melody asked with a scoff as she shook her head." You're really are an Asshole Randy. I had two broken ribs, not to mention a broken wrist because of you. I told you why I'm not going back to Texas with you." Melody spats.

" Hey, it could have been worse. Honestly Mel, I don't understand why you're being so stubborn about this. We both know small towns like this isn't really you Melody." Randy wiped his hands and pulls out and envelope and hands it over to Melody.

" What's this?" Melody asked as she hesitated to take the envelope from him.

" Open it up and find out." Randy responded with a huge grin on his face." I think you're going to like it."

" I highly doubt it and seriously wipe that grin off your face." Melody says as she tears the envelope open and pulls out a folded piece of paper. She slowly opens it and scrunch her brows down in confusion."

" It's a lease for a new space."

" Yeah, it is. It's for your new bookstore. Or at least to reopen your old one." Randy says with a nod.

Melody stuffs the lease back into the envelope and threw it back in his face. She quickly got up and grabs her purse and car keys." For the last time Randy, I am not going back to Texas and I sure as hell ain't going back to you. Just go back home and leave me the hell alone." She said as she started to walk away from the table.

" Do you really think you're relationship with the old biker is going to last?" Randy asked which made Melody stop. Randy then glanced over at her." Does he even know the real reason why you ran away from home and ended up here?"

Melody sighs as she turned back around and crossed her arms over her chest once again." No, he doesn't and he doesn't even know you're the one who put me the hospital last month either." She sighs deeply." They are still looking for the guy."

" I gotta give you credit Mel, you were always the one who told me secrets is like lying and here you are keeping secrets yourself. You know maybe I should tell you're old man the real reason why you're here. I mean considering I've already met him."

" What the hell are you talking about?" Melody asked in confusion.

" What? Your old man didn't tell you, I came to their little mechanic shop one night and of course I was out of my way trying to be friends with the guy and he threatens me." He snorts as he shook his head.

" You're lying. I know what your doing and it's not going to work. You're trying to manipulate me into come back to you by telling me you met my old man and threatened me. But guess what? Your manipulation didn't work back then and it's not going to work now."

Melody then glanced out the window of the diner and noticed Half sac sitting by her car. Chibs must of have sent him. " I gotta go. Look you got until the end of the week to leave California."

" Or what? You gonna send you're old man and his bike gang after me?"

" One week Randy." Was all Melody said as she turned around and headed out of the diner. She drops her shoulders as she took a deep breath and walked towards Half sac.

" You okay?"

" Yeah, I am fine. Chibs sent you, didn't he?"

" Yeah, Gemma came into the clubhouse and told Chibs what was going on." Who's that guy?" Half sac asked as he looked over at Randy through the diner window.

" Just an old friend." Melody responded as she glanced back over her shoulder. She sighs softly as she looked back at the prospect." Kip, thanks for coming and checking on me, but I gotta get to the book store."

" I 'll follow you."

Melody nods her head softly." Thanks Kip." Melody says as she walked around him and over to the front side. Once she was got in and basically slammed her car door shut and turned the engine over after putting her seatbelt on, she speeds out of the lot.

Half sac hanged back for a moment as he kept looking back at the diner and the man who he saw Melody talking to when he pulled in ten minutes ago. He's not sure who he is or why Melody was even talking to him. But he can tell Melody was scared of him by the way she sped out of the diner parking lot.

A few seconds later Halfsac rode out of the lot and catches up with Melody.

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