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Three Weeks Later-

"What the hell?" Melody asked as she got out of her car an noticed few police cars along with David Hales jeep parked in front of her book store.

Walking into the store Melody gasps as she the damage. There were books all over. Shelves were knocked down and few of her windows was broken. There was glass every where.

She looked over and saw David with some ATF. "What the hell happened?" Melody asked once she walked towards them.

"There was a break in last night." David informed her.

"Last night?! And your just now coming here?" She asked as she shook her head." Unbelievable." She said as she scoffed.

"Someone didn't call it in until this morning. Do you have any idea who might have done this?" The ATF asked.

"No of course not." Melody said as she looked around her store." Do you realize how much this is gonna cost me?"

"Well if you can think someone don't hesitate to give me call." The ATF said handing her card to Melody.

"Agent Stahel. Melody read off of the card." Why is a federal Agent interested in a break in?" Melody asked as she looked up from the card.

"Cause I have a feeling this wasn't just a break in. I will be in touch." She said as she walked out of the store.

Rolling her eyes Melody threw the card on the counter." Is she serious right now?"

"Look Mel. We need to find the guy who did this." David said.

"Then what you doing standing around here for?" Shouldn't you be out there instead of talking to me right now?"

Looking over David shoulder. Melody saw Chibs walking in along with Happy and Jax. She then walked towards them.

"What the hell happened Melody?" Chibs asked as he walked up to her and pulled her into a hug.

"That's what I wanna know." She said as she shrugged her shoulders." Somebody broke in last night."

"Did they take anything?" Jax asked.

Melody just shook her head." I don't think so. Its just damage mostly." She said as she pulled away from Chibs.

"Well we couldn't get any fingerprints. Who ever did was wearing a glove." David said as he walked up to them.

Melody pinched the bridge of her nose." So now what?" She asked.

"Well without finger prints there's not a whole lot to go on Melody." David said.

"So... What? You guys just gonna give up?" She asked as she crossed her arms.

"Well not necessarily. We are hoping the tapes will tell us something. I'll let you know." He then nods at the guys before walking out of her store.

"Why don't you come to the clubhouse with us." Chibs said looking down at her.

Shaking her head." No I just wanna go home and just forget about this whole thing." Melody said as she lean up and kissed Chibs cheek." Thank you for looking out for me but I will be fine." She said as she walked passed them.

"Why don't you go follow her and make sure she gets home alright." Jax said as he slapped his back.

"Alright Jackie Boy. I'll meet you guys make at the clubhouse." Walking out of the bookstore Chibs got back on his bike. When he watched Melody drive off. He started his bike and then followed her home.


Parking his bike right next to Melody's car. Walking up to her door. He reached for the knob. When he saw it wasn't locked. He grumbled as he shook his head walking in. Closing the door behind him.  walking down the hall towards Melody's room he lean against the door way." Ye should start locking your front door Lass. Ye migh neva know who will walk in."

"You did." Melody said as she laid against her pillow with her arm under it."Is there a reason why your here Felip?"

"I came to check on ye." Chibs said as he walked into the room more. He then kicked his boots off and took off his kutte along with his shirt. getting into bed with her. Wrap an arm around her waist he pulled her closer to him.

Resting her hand against his chest Melody sighs deeply." What if they can't find the guy who broke into my store?"

"Well if the Police won't do their job and can't find the bastard who did it. Then we will." He said as he slowly ran his hand up and down her back.

"How?" She asked as she raised her brow for a moment.

"Now I don't want you to worry about that love." He said as he cradle her head and presses his lips against her forehead." Just get some sleep lass."

Melody just nods her head and then fell asleep against Chibs warm body.

Chibs suddenly woke up as soon as he felt his burner viberate in his pocket. Pulling it out while he kept Melody close."Aye." He answered.

"We might have found the guy  who broke into Melody's bookstore." Jax said.

"Really who?" Chibs asked

"Just get to the clubhouse brother and bring Melody with you." Jax said hanging up.

Chibs nudge Melody to wake her up." That was Jax. The guys have information on the break in." Chibs said as he got up and threw his shirt and Kutte back on.

"What? That was fast." Melody said as she sat up and got out of bed." Did Jax say who it was?" She asked

Chibs just shook his head as he put his boots back on." All he said they have information and they need us back at the clubhouse."

Melody ran her fingers through her hair as she nods her head." Yeah Okay." She said as she got dressed and threw her shoes on.


Walking into the clubhouse first with Chibs following behind. Melody walked up to Jax." Felip said you have information for me. Regarding to my bookstore."

Jax nods his head." Juice show her the picture."

Juice walked over to Melody and placed his laptop on the bar. Melody walked up and noticed a man in the picture.

"Do you know him?" Jax asked.

Shaking her head when Juice removed the laptop." Not really. I mean he just comes into the bookstore. He doesn't really buy anything. He mostly just look through the books and leaves."

"Do you know his name?"

"Um.. Jake I think. I only talked to him like for two seconds. He asked me out to dinner but I turned him down." He broke into my store last night?"

"That's what it looks like." Jax said as he place his hand on her shoulder.

"Well that just perfect." Melody threw her hands up as she sat down on the bar stool. She exhaled deeply as she pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"You okay doll?" Tig asked as he placed an hand against her back.

"Oh I am great. First my car ends up getting a massive scratch across my door and last night my bookstore gets broken into." But I'm doing just fine Tig." She said as she rolled her eyes.

She never thought turning down a date will cause all this. Melody had something like this happened to her before in the past and now her past is repeating and came to bite her in the ass.

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