Chapter 2: The Wrong Guy

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           "Hey!" Clementine yelled over the newest hit that everyone was listening to. 

           "Hey. It's crazy in here!" I replied when someone put their sweaty fingers over my eyes. 

           "Guess who?" I recognized Jay's voice instantly and pushed his hands away.

           "Jay…" I laughed. "Wanna dance?" I asked, gesturing towards Clementine and Jack who were desperately trying to dance and failing. He nodded with a nervous expression and of course the minute we stepped onto the dance floor a slow song came on. "Ugh," I giggled. 

           "What?" He asked all serious. 

           "The second we come, a slow song comes on. I really wanted to show off all our AMAZING dance moves." He laughed and took my hand. We started dancing and then stopped when Jay leaned in and whispered something in my ear. I laughed loudly until Clementine and Jack saw us and had their focus on us. Then we danced smiling at each other. Once I saw Clementine's, 'this is adorable' look, I started dancing like crazy and Jay joined in. Their shocked faces were enough to make us laugh so hard and before they could come and scold us, we ran outside with a couple beers and sat outside. 

            "Ha…sorry about that. It's been getting annoying!" Jay grinned and we stared at each others blue eyes. 

            "Same here. Clem's been bugging me so much about you." He stopped smiling and turned serious again.                   

            "I'm not that bad, am I?" I glanced over, about to laugh, thinking it was a joke but he looked like he was going to burst in tears. 

            "Jay. Of course not. You're awesome, but," He cut me off.

            "But I'm not your type." He finished. I was shocked by a tear that slid down his face, slipping down over his cute little freckles. 

            "Jay! I thought you didn't want to be with me! I should be asking YOU these questions, considering you just came up with that idea. You know how offended I was? Yeah, it was funny but Jay…Come on. You basically just told me back there you thought what Jack and Clementine had been saying about us was stupid." I shook my head, now holding back tears. 

            "Oh my god. You completely agreed!" He threw his drink up in the air, spilling it on to the dry, yellow grass. We were about a hundred feet away from Scarlett, the hosts home. 

            "I agreed with the fact that they were being stupid, not with the fact that I wasn't good enough for you!" I picked up my clutch and stood to where he was. 

            "You don't even like me! You don't even care!" His words hit me like a thousand nails. 'You don't even care' I care more than he's ever imagined. The tears were falling hard now as I started to walk off. 

            "Who says I don't care? Who, Jay? I care more than you'd ever know, when I worry about you and your family. When I worry about you during football practice. Why do you think I go? To just give you a ride? No. To make sure you're OK. I've been caring this WHOLE time and it hurts to know you don't care enough to even show any affection or worry towards me whatsoever." I stomped off. 

            The rain poured buckets of water. It had started out small, just a sprinkle as I walked the long distance home. The rain washed away my tears but I was still stumbling a bit from the slight dizziness the alcohol had given me. I regretted everything I said to Jay. I didn't want him to be mad at me. I didn't want him to be with me. I didn't even know what I want. I shook my head in disgust, partly cause of the cold, partly cause of remembering Henri. I had a boyfriend. Why did I constantly forget that? I thought about Henri for a split second until my thoughts swung back to Jay. 

When We Were Kids {Currently Revising}Where stories live. Discover now