We Met...

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I sat quietly at my desk, sketching in my note pad to keep me occupied while I patiently waited for class to start. It was awfully difficult for me to focus on my sketch since there was alot of noise going on in the room. All i could hear was gossip and foolishness.

The reason why I'm alone and not talking to anyone is because I'm not one who enjoys being social. To me its just a big mess and alot of drama, so I rather stick to my note pad.

"What's this?" I head Ban say, I looked up from my note pad and saw Ban going through a boys bag. He pulled out a watch, as soon as he did, Judy came stomping over. "Ah! That's my watch!" Judy shouted in the most annoying high pitched voice ever.

The boy didnt even bother looking at them, he just continued stare down at his sketch pad as he focused on his work. "It's not me" he said bluntly.

"Yeah right!" Judy sassed as she made her way out the classroom with Ban following. I could hear the class mumble the word "theif" as they all gave the boy a death glare.

I dont think he cared, he just kept his head down and continued to draw.

~Time Skip~

I was sitting in the same seat as I did yesterday, there was 20 minutes till class started so I might as well entertain myself. I reached into my bag and pulled out my note pad and began to doodle. There was hardly anyone in the class except for me and a couple other kids.

After a few minutes the boy came in. He didnt look so good, his skin was ghostly pale, he had dark circles under his eyes as if he didnt sleep for a month, and his black shaggy hair was mangled.

He had a blank look on his face, showing no emotion. He walked past me and sat a couple seats away from me. I wanted to talk to him, but I dont know if he would talk back.

I decided I would give it a try. "H-hey" I hesitated a little.

He didn't answer, I don't think he knows that i was talking to him so I tried again. "U-um Hello"

Not making any facial expressions he simply said "Hi" not even glancing at me.

"Um, I'm Ruben" I said faintly as I scratched the back of my head.

"Helen" He was only giving small Answers.

I didn't really know what to say after that so i just turned back to my desk not saying anything.

"I saw you drawing yesterday, what were you drawing?" I was shocked that he actually spoke to me, i mean like a full on sentence.

I hesitated to answer at first but then I finally blurted it out, "It was a portrait" I cussed my self out in my head.

"Of whom? If i may ask?" He asked still not looking at me.

"My mom" I whispered as i began to frown.

"Hm... could i see it?"

I flippeed the page of my note pad and showed him. I shookenly held up the note pad as he finally look away from his desk and examined my drawing.

"Thats actually very good, if i may ask, where is your mom?"

"...she's dead..."

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