Go Your Own Way

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The steady beeping of the hospital equipment put her on edge. Chloe hated hospitals, and all the unnatural light that buzzed through them. They always smelt of death or sterility, which were both words that conjured up distinctly the lack of life. She shakes her head, anyone could testify that this was the polar opposite of herself. She was in direct conflict with her environment here; it was understandable that a huge part of her was aching to leave. They'd come in yesterday after Jesse had been knocked out. Post-punch, he'd stayed under for a good twenty seconds or so before waking up again, and when they decided to take him to hospital to check for concussion, he- well, he fell unconscious. A pretty sure sign, so, they put him here. It was a mess. Beca had called his family, and Chloe was ushered from the scene very quickly. They asked Beca to delay the wedding, which Chloe thought was a tad of an over response. But Beca responded with the answer that they couldn't, because well, the hotel had been booked months beforehand. They weren't just going to have a spare reservation lying around, that would be ridiculous. Apparently things got pretty heated after that, or so Beca had told her, understandably she wasn't in the mood for a fight and so just accepted Jesse's mom's terms. His brother was to re-arrange everything via Aubrey for them to marry in a couple of days. If the man could wrangle it. Chloe doubted it would be that simple. She also doubted it was going to happen. Everyone was going home soon. At least they'd been spared the knowledge about the affair though, and that would have cancelled the event anyway, so, in a way, it was sort of good fortune this happened, she supposed. It also meant Beca and her could watch over him this morning without his family crowding them and asking too many questions. Her heart plummeted. How would she have even begun explaining that she'd knocked out a man because she was protecting his fiancee. Who by the why, she had recently seduced.

Jesse had briefly stirred earlier, and Beca had spoken to him a little before she had left to get proper food away from the hospital. So, Chloe had been left in charge of his resting soul, trying not to let her guilt complex eat her alive. She hears a moan and her eyes flicker to the stirring man in the bed. At once his eyes open and hazily make contact with hers. The anxiety in her stomach about talking to him suddenly trebles. She's a doe caught in the headlights of a semi-truck.

"I'll get Beca." She says immediately. Already bolting to the door.

"No, don't!" He stops her. Hand outstretched to grab her arm. "I want to talk to you actually, if that's alright."

Chloe slumps back into her seat, eyebrows knitted in concern.

"Are you alright? I feel terrible about knocking you out, and about the other thing."

He watches her nervously pull on the sleeves of her sweater. Her face flushes bright red in embarrassment.

"I must've really hurt you. I know Beca tried to put it all on her, but you should know that isn't the truth." Red rakes a frustrated hand through her hair. All the pain of the past week, combines with all the guilt she's feeling now, and it's all so intense. Chloe feels hot tears begin to prickle in her eyes. "I told her I loved her. I just couldn't keep it in anymore, it was killing me; and I know that right before your wedding was a terrible time to announce it. And Stacie thought I wouldn't actually crack until you were married, and then I'd just turn up and 'turn' Beca, can you believe it? I was so dumb and soselfish but Beca wanted me to be at the wedding, and I thought coming along would be the right thing to do even though I didn't want to be here and-"

Turn her? Oh God Stacie no.

"Chloe whoa- stop. Just slow down. I'm the one who needs to apologize. What you and Beca did- it hurt. Hurts. Honestly that's going to hurt me for a long time probably, there's no escaping that truth. But I'm trying to at least accept it." He sighs defeated, and Chloe's heart breaks for him too. Unexpected. "Beca and I, well we talked and we figured... we can't get married. Not after the pain we've caused each-other."

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