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It is all your fault 

throw them away 

kill them

6 were running 7 behind them 

" sister don't leave me " aquarius shouted " i'll come with you " 

"no aquarius" leo said

"we are not wrong we did nothing" they were shouting 

"we all banish you from zodiac and star realm "

"what did we do" leo shouted aries following her 

libra stood out and told her " you all tried to break the heart of kingdom" 

"no we didn't" scorpio protested 

"they why are you friend with devils " libra said

people gasped 

"why can't we all starians and devilians have a healthy  relationship" leo said to libra's face 

pisces pushed her and told "shut up you liar's"

cancer stood beside pisces and libra

leo was shocked to see them like that

sagittarius , virgo , aries , ini and scorpio were shouting, scolding and protesting  

"we order to behead them" shouted someone 

everyone agreed 

leo stood there looking at her kingdom family and friends she broke her necklace and threw it on the ground  after that she shouted  with teary "eyes you will see the truth after l leave and you all will regreat it mostly you all she looked at 6 zodiacs taurus ,libra,gem,capricorn, cancer,pisces and libra, l will miss you brother aquarius  "

the six of them were eaten by the ground     

a big  screen appeared on top of the necklace showing it wasn't the other 6 fault everyone felt guilty  and some fainted in disbelif 



they all fell inside hell luckily leo's devil was able to save them all he took them to the hell palace  


"WELCOME BACK BROTHER " BEEZLEBULP SPRANG UP TO SEE UNCOUNSIOUS LEO " OMO what happened to leo my bestie he " sobbed he saw other  people uncounsious too 

"first lets get them treated" lucas said

" ok "beezlebulp nodded 

they took them to infimary 

soo what happened beezlebulp started 

lucas started the whole story 

after some time ~~~

leo woke up and saw her friend's alive and sleeping tears formed at the corner of her eyes

a sudden flash came to her mind 

where was she  'huh where am i she thought "hello anyone here hellooooo.. where am l"

In the devildom a familiar voice said in a creepy way she flinched ,

and looked around and saw lucas and ophi

"ophi ....... who brought me here with mah friends here" she said 

"ofcourse me" lucas stood up and pushed leo back to lay down" just rest do you know how many upper world year's you and your friends have been sleeping for " 

she had a second thought 'oh yeah devildom time works slower than other two worlds'

"what shall I do now" she said staring blankly at the two ,,other zodiacs had also woken up and heard the whole conversation

"how about we live in the motral world "sagi suggested others agreed

"you guys woke up "

"yup we were awake a lot time ago just wating for ya" everyone said 

"alright packing starts today ,living tomorrow" ophi said

everyone was schocked 

"what" ophi said 

"are we living on streets" aries said 

"nope I have a bunglow there" ophi said 

"yo never told me" leo pouted

 "because you will always force us to go there" lucas stated

"ya knew too and never told mee traitiorssss" leo said like a kid "pabo idiot" 

"what scrady cat" lucas said 

everyone started laughing and the fight  went on..........

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