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we could see many papers flying across the room 

[OMOMOMOM ] a little cloud was shouting and running 

far from the cloud we could see a few people sitting on the chairs 

[ why are you shouting like that zozo and what does that mean] a blonde spoke 

[well it means oh mother and i am shouting  because galaxy has made a mistake and god is coming ] zozo the cloud replied 

[ omg i am so excited to meet the god ] a redhead boy said excited 

DOOOM DOOM sound of drums and trumpets were heard 

all the curious  eyes were on door and they sawwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

+{author - keep scrolling }+

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nothing but a little bit of light which was shocking because a ray of light could not differ from the best of light in godsphere

____-_- telepathic connection 

so this is god 

ummm yea it looks like that 

so are fireflies god 

---------------end of connection 

everyone present there looked at a certain redhead boy with an expression with mixture of both i agree with you man , are you stupid ',  unbelievable , yea it knew it would happen , as expected of him , wow you did it again , why am i with these stupid people again .+{author-- guess who said it in comment section below }+  

[well little fire i am not a fire fly my dear i am a monocular particle ] god said 

[ wha-] fire was about to speak but someone closed his mouth 

[and if you all are here about zodiacs the don't worry they will soon know they are not astral beings but reincarnation of gods] gods 

[ but they get to go on earth ] fire said 

[yea for once i agree with fire] earth said 

[ well then i guess you don't want to go to earth to train them ] god chuckled 

[but why are few of them suffering so bad faith while others are living lavishly ] water spoke 

[ its all up to them now whether they want to stay the same or move foward and change their fate as he is about to come they must hurry ] god said

[well they still have alot of time and if they stay on earth they might change ] fire said 

[who knows who knows my now i have to go you all are the incharge here so its not my problem now i have to go to my world] god said 

[we hope you visit again ] everyone bowed 

[and also atlast who knows who knows ] god said and left

[ what a waste of food ] darkness suddenly blurted out receiving some glares


well all gods are based on elements like-

fire / holy

fire / normal 



earth / ground

earth / leaves 




wind /storm 

wind /air 

wind / teleportation

nature / truth

????/ heart 

they are many hidden powers they have

SPOILER - each element with train different zodiac or at least two

so it's messed up but as you read the story  you will understand

bye skitties 

author vanishes

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