Chapter 1

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Malaysia POV

I sat in the van as I watched him enter the building, I took a deep breathe as I had thoughts about my life choices and what I was about to do.
Was this really worth it??

I shook the negative thoughts away as I remember why and who I was doing this for. My father was one of the biggest drug lords in England, to him he was a god even though I never saw him as one - every young male, even females looks up to him as an idol. Well except from that man.

This man had caused so much chaos in my fathers warehouse, from robbing the products to murdering more than half of the crew, he even sent my mum death threats, what my father couldn't take was disrespect and he thought that his man had crossed his boundaries.

I was knocked out my thoughts by heavy knocking on the window, I looked up and saw a parking attendant giving me an evil glare. I rolled my eyes as I opened the window a little so I was able to hear him.

"Excuse me ma'am if you don't move this car I will have to give you a ticket."

I didn't bother to argue back, as that was unnecessary, I looked at him thinking if I should move the car or simply ignore him.
"Do you know a man called Donovan lemeér?"

(Idk if that's a real surname, I just made it up)

He looked at me with shock then slowly backed away before running the opposite direction, I chuckled as I watched him run for his life.

I picked up my phone and dialled my boyfriends number.

'Hey, everything's going to plan.'

'Calm, watch out okay, don't forget to record the conversation and keep your location on.'

'Yes I already know what to do,' I rolled my eyes as if he could see me

'Okay good luck, love you.'

'Bye babe, love you too.'

I put my phone back in my purse as I got out the van and slammed the door behind me. I straightened my bodycon dress and reapplied my lipgloss, I looked in the mirror one more time admiring myself before entering the club.

"Aye sweet one" one of the men yelled as I walked through the curtains.

I looked over at him then winked causing him to giggle.

I cursed as I realised I left my glasses, I squinted my eyes as I looked around trying to see if I'd spot him. My eyes finally landed on his silky dark skin, 'damn he looks beautiful' I muttered to myself.

I walked over to the bar he was drinking at and sat down completely ignoring his presence.
"Ma'am you look quite young to be here, may I see your ID." A security guard asked as he approached me.

I pulled my ID of my purse, mentally thanking my boyfriend for forcing me to bring a fake ID in case they questioned me.

"Hmm.. Karina Harris... beautiful name." He smirk at me as he rubbed the hairs on his chin.

I smiled at him releasing the breath I never thought I was holding and he looked away. 'Phew' I whispered to my self.

"Anything you'd like?" The bar attendant asked me, I examined all that they had in the back as I thought about what to drink.

"Just a Pepsi please" they nodded as the walked away with an unreadable face, probably wondering why I'd order Pepsi from a bar, truth is I don't drink... well I'm underage to drink.

"You come sit at the bar and order a Pepsi, this is something new." A deep voice said obviously referring to me.
Instantly I knew who was talking, I looked up to him and saw that he was smirking at me.

"My apologies, my names Willie" he stretched his hand across the table as I shook it.

"Karina." I smiled back at him.

I was quite intimidated, it wasn't even because of his looks, it was because I knew his history, especially and the fact that he hated being lied to, that was because It meant they had no respect towards him. He was exactly like my dad, only that my dad kept the things he did to people like murder to himself, he hated bragging.

I grabbed my drink in front of my and took a sip as I looked at him.

"I don't drink, that's why, I come here to take my mind of work and stuff." I spoke as I continued to take small sips from my drink.

"Understandable, What do you work as? If you don't mind me asking."

"I'm a part time primary school teacher, but I still go to university, I study business marketing and mathematics, how about you?"
I asked with a raised eyebrow, curious to see what lie he'd feed me with.

"Interesting, I own a business, that's all I can say."

I nodded my head as I looked at his facial features, he looked like he was in his late 20s or early 30s. I continued looking at him until my eyes landed on his hand, spotting something shining, it was a ring.

"You married?"

"No, single parent."

"What about the ring?" I asked him, knowing fully well he was lying.

"So a man can't flex his diamonds?"
He chuckled.

if I was clueless about him and his past, i would probably fall for his lies. But I knew he had a wife and children, he couldn't fool me.
'Why did I even accept this job' I questioned my self as I thought back to when my father told me about this.

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