Bets on Sailing Ships

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This little oneshot came out of all those headcanons about Scotland Yard having a poll on Sherlock's relationships. If you've read my other oneshot"Something to Talk About," you can consider this as part of that universe, but reading that isn't necessary to understand this. 

Sherlock and John walked briskly out of Lestrade's office. The Detective Inspector had what he needed to make the arrest and the consulting detective and doctor could easily consider the case wrapped up.

"Glad we could finish that quickly," Sherlock commented, wrapping his blue scarf around his neck. "I've got just enough time to take a cab to Baker Street and prepare."

"Ah yes, for your dinner date? With Molly Hooper?" John chuckled and caught the smug smile at the corners of Sherlock's lips.

Earlier in the day, his friend had told him that he had finally asked Molly on a proper date. John had been shocked, although not as much as he had been when Janine had come out of Sherlock's room during the Magnussen case. While not wanting to discourage him, John had been dubious, bringing up Sherlock's track record with the pathologist. He was concerned for both of them. Molly couldn't be caught in one of Sherlock's fake schemes. He couldn't treat her like he once had. John did believe he had changed since his return, however. Molly Hooper had saved his life. Sherlock really couldn't afford to lose his relationship with her, no matter what kind it was. John still had a hard time believing all of it, but after their talk this morning he knew Sherlock was being honest in his intentions.

"Of course, John, keep up," he replied but didn't sound very harsh.

They were halfway across the room at this point. That's when a scruffy-faced man suddenly popped into their path. "I'm sorry did you say you and Molly Hooper had a dinner date?"

"It's none of your business, Anderson!" Sherlock snapped, trying to push past him.

"Oh my Sherlolly! This is totally going on my blog! Did you hear that Donovan?! You owe me a Score!" He shouted across the room. The woman rolled her eyes just as Lestrade poked out of his office.

"What was that Phillip? Sherlolly?"

"The ship is sailing!"

"You owe me too, Donovan."

Sally looked put out, pulling the money from her wallet. "You two have problems," she said, handing Greg a note.

"She was rooting for the two of you coming out of the closet," Anderson whispered beside them.

Sherlock rolled his eyes while John looked angry. "I have a wife!" he hissed quietly.

Phillip shrugged. "And Sherlock has Molly now, but that didn't seem to stop her from thinking you two were secret lovers."

No hate on Jlock, best Brotp, but not what gets me reading fics haha. 

Thanks for reading!

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