•|Final Words|•

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Little bonus song :)
Shy Away - Twenty One Pilots
It's about finding your purpose. I would've added it to the playlist, but I thought it was too upbeat and would kill the mood LOL.

And stream Scaled and Icy the entire album by Twenty One Pilots :)


I dedicate this story to anybody who has ever struggled with their self-worth and/or purpose.
And my mom because she named the town and gave me ideas for some of the scenes in the book (including the dream/sapnap conflict)

The end :]

I hope you guys enjoyed it! I know it's shorter and more simple than some of my other stories, but it's nice, you know? From the get-go I wanted this to be just a simple story. I personally like the way this turned out :]

My favorite chapters are the Halloween chapters + the last chapter. What are yours?

Alright /srs rant time lollll

You guys matter <3. A lot of what I wrote hit close to home and I know what it's like to feel like you're not special or that you'll never amount to anything, but I promise you that you will.

Don't compare yourselves to ppl like Tommy or Ranboo who managed to reach success really really early in life. They're rare cases. Remember that it took George three tries at Youtube to finally reach where he is today. Dream studied the algorithm for years before even beginning to make his own content. Bad's been on youtube since 2015 (or maybe earlier) and he just blew up a few years ago. Progress takes time, but you're always moving forward. Think of it like how the world's always turning, but you don't always feel it.

This is different than my other final words chapters, but I just think this is so important. I've seen so many ppl both older and younger than me tell me they can't do anything and won't amount to anything in the future, but you guys will. That's why this book is for you. To show you that you don't have to change the world to have an influence on individuals.

Your worth is not based on artificial things like jobs and hobbies. Your worth is solely based on YOU. Your heart and soul are where your worth comes from, not your talents and skills.

It's okay if you aren't particularly talented in anything to still be important and worthy, or as it's referred to in the book, "special". Read that again.

Alright end of the /srs segment LOL

Today was my last day of school and that's lowkey insane. I started In 90 Days- the first fanfic I published since joining the fandom- five days after my first day of school. And in a matter of 10 months, I started and finished 3 entire fics. That's crazy lol. Writing has honestly kept me going ahfhsh I would have had a mental breakdown by now without it LOL

So thank you for reading :] I don't have another story planned rn. Prolly gonna go back to Sparrow if anyone even still wants to read it lol

That's all I have to say! Love you guys <3. And stay alive. You're all beautiful :]

See you guys on the other side ;)

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