Chapter 3: Sick Day

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It's raining. A lot. Way too much, in fact. Usually, it'd be no problem, but I don't have an umbrella. Why? Because we only have two and my mom and sister took both of them. So now I'm going to get wet. Most likely. Rimuru rarely comes here when it's raining, even if she knew I don't have an umbrella. I have no idea why, though. But still, I kinda don't want to get wet. Do we have anything similar to an umbrella? I'll look for something.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N hitting his head on stuff while looking for stuff

I didn't find anything. And now my head hurts. That was a waste of time. Oh crap, what's the time?

Clock: "8:20 AM."

Oh no, I'm gonna be late. I gotta run faster than usual. I hurriedly got ready to head out into the rain and opened the door. I was not surprised to not see Rimuru there. Instead, I saw rain. Lots of rain. So much even, that I thought I'd be wet in mere seconds. I started running to school, and I got wet in an instant. I had run a small distance and I already did something embarrassing. I slipped on the water and fell onto the ground. Now I was even wetter. Ugh, this is going great... Of course I had to land in a puddle. I'll just go back home. I'll just say I'm sick.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N walking in the rain

Once I got home, I took a shower and changed into new clothes. I wonder if that was enough to get me sick. I have no idea. Maybe I didn't.

Phone: phone noises

I looked at my phone and saw a message from Rimuru.

Rimuru's message: "Where are you? Are you skipping school?"

Y/N's message: "No, I'm sick."

Rimuru: "Really? You don't get sick too often."

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm sick. Tell the teachers that."

Rimuru: "Fine I will. I'll visit when school's over, okay?"

Y/N: "Seriously? I don't need help."

Rimuru: "Seriously. Anyway, bye!"

Y/N: "Fine. Bye."

I wonder why she insists so much on coming here. So, what now? I can do anything for the whole day. I can play games, watch anime, or anything. Actually, I'll sleep. I usually get around three hours of sleep every night, so this is a good chance to get sleep. Should I leave the door unlocked? If Rimuru is coming here after school, she can wake me up. But if someone unwanted comes here, it'd be bad... But we do live in a pretty safe place so I doubt no one is gonna come here. Okay, I'll leave it unlocked. I'll leave the lights on, too. I went to unlock the door and after that, I went to my room.

Y/N: "Time to sleep."

I jumped on my bed and drifted to sleep.

*Rimuru's POV*

So Y/N's sick. I wonder how he got sick. I'll ask when I go there.

Shion: "What did he say?"

Rimuru: "He's sick, apparently."

Milim: "Big bro's sick?"

Rimuru: "He's probably fine. I bet he's just going to sleep."

Shuna: "You know each other so well. No wonder you like him."

Rimuru: "H-Hey! I've never said I like him!"

Shion: "You act like you do."

Shuna: "Indeed."

Milim: "It's pretty obvious, you know."

Rimuru: "I-Is it really that obvious?"

Shuna: "It is."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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