Picture Perfect

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The smell of fresh brewed tea was always comforting in the morning, certainty after the past two days you have had. Stress was getting to you, the person that was stalking you might know about Elek. And just that possibility was enough stress to keep you up all night worrying. They might make a report to local authorities and that would lead to the government knowing, and if the government knows, Sterling knows. You don't even want to think about what they would do to you if they found out about Elek. They most likely would kill you then take him and his blueprints.

Taking a sip of your tea, you try to think of when someone could've found out about your little project. Was it when you got the aslaudian gear? The were two hooded figures in the store, the was a chance that they noticed what you were buying, that was a possibility. Another possibility is the alleyway man. Although, that was unlikely, since he just wanted to rob you. You settled on the two cloaked figures from the store as the ones that gave you away. It wasn't one-hundred percent, but it was all you had.

Finishing up your cup of tea, you get up from the kitchen table to check on Elek. He was sitting peacefully in the living room reading, for only being alive for twenty-four hours, he already read most of the books in your house. You did suppose that he didn't need to sleep, and it wasn't like he could go outside to do stuff, but still. You weren't going to have anything else to occupancy him at this rate, and you couldn't take any risks by letting him out. Not until you figure out a plan to make sure Sterling can't find out about him. Maybe when you go to deliver the leg you will pick up one of those new sound devices, you hear they are becoming very popular.

"I have to go out today, and I can't take you with me. So you are going to have to stay in the house, the are some boxes in the attic that probably have some old books in them. Just in case you finish the ones down here." They should hold him over until you get back.

"Oh, okay. Please be back soon, Master. I read in a book that unaccompanied people are more likely to be killed or kidnapped." Wasn't he just full of fun facts.

"It shouldn't take too long, I am just dropping off a mechanical leg to one of the dock workers." You said as you gathered your things. "Also, don't answer the door for anyone, no matter who it is." You added.

"As you wish, Master."

Heading out the front door, you make sure to lock it. You already told him where all the keys were in the house, so you didn't have to worry about him being sucked in there with a fire or something. You walked done the stone road of your neighborhood, keeping your head down, you took notice of the cracks and the small weeds that were growing. Hopefully, this will be a there and back trip, with no attempted muggings or stalkers.

Before you knew it, you got to the train station. It, like always, was crowded. Pushing you way though the masses of people, you got to the front of the crowd. Letting out a small sigh, you rested. It was only a ten minute walk, but it was more stressful then normal. Plus, the case you had the leg in was heavy, you almost regret not bringing Elek along.

At least without Elek you didn't stand out, you doubt people would just ignore him. It wasn't everyday that a person would be able to see a machine as advance as him. And standing out was the last thing you wanted. People that stood out gain the attention of the Sterlings, and people that have the attention of the Sterlings disappear. That was one of the main reasons why you never release any of your inventions to the public, that is why you only repair machines instead of build them for people. Inventors like you never lasted that long, and it wasn't like anyone would notice you missing anyway. They could do away with you without anyone asking any questions. That is a depressing thought, wasn't it? You guess now Elek would notice if you just disappeared.....if he didn't disappear with you that is.

Just as you were coming to the conclusion of who would and wouldn't notice you disappearing, someone bumped into you from behind. You started to fall, and you would of ended face first in the train tracks, if not for the hand that reached out and grabbed you. The person pulled you up, you could feel the person's hand on you shoulders. Once they could feel that you were finally stabilized on the solid ground, they turned you around so that you would face them.

The face that appeared before you was probably the most gorgeous face you ever saw in your life, long black hair framed honey brown skin. Dark brown eyes looked into yours, the women gave you a comforting smile. The fear of falling into the tracks disappearing almost completely, just with one smile this women was able to rid you of all your fears and stress. With a voiced smooth as silk, she spoke.

"Are you okay? You almost had a little fall there." The women's hands rubbed your arms and shoulders in a comforting manner.

"I-ah-am fine, thank you for saving me." Your voiced was small compared to hers.

She moved her hands from your arms to hold your hands. Bringing them up to her chest, she studied your face. "Well aren't you just a pretty thing, you really shouldn't be traveling alone. It is dangerous for a young girl like yourself." Why do you keep on hearing that today? It wasn't like you had enough money to hire a bodyguard.

"Thank you, you are very pretty yourself." You decided that the was no need to address the traveling alone subject, it wasn't like you didn't know that it was dangerous. It was just more dangerous for you to travel with someone.

"You are making me blush, darling. My name is Rati Mehta, and yours is?" Normally, you wouldn't even consider telling your name to someone who doesn't need it. But something about her just makes you want to trust her.

"It is Y/N, it is very nice to meet you. Thank you again for saving me, I really owe you one."

"Owe me, huh. Now that you say that, I have the perfect thing for you to do to pay me back." That isn't good news for you.

"What can I do for you." You try your best to keep the nervousness out of your voice, it didn't work so well.

"Don't worry, it isn't anything bad. I am a photographer that is in the need for an assistant for today, and I just know that you will perfect. If you don't have any pressing matters that you need to get to, I would love it if you were able to accompany me to the Vauxmore Plaza. It is only down two stations from here, and it shouldn't take too long." As she said that, she gave you the best puppy dog eyes that you have ever witnessed.

She did save you from falling, and it isn't like you needed to be at the docks right away. As long as you delivered it today you would be fine, and the Plaza was always full of people. So it isn't like she could murder you. As you weighed the pros and cons, you could hear the train quickly approach. Figuring the was no harm in going with her, you gave her your answer. "Sure, I wouldn't mind going to Vauxmore Plaza with you."

"Wonderful!" She let go of your hands then hooked her arm around. She picked up her things from the ground, and with you in hand, stepped on the train. You two took a seat in the middle of the train with Rati still holding you arm. You had a feeling that she was a very physical person, and that this was going to be a long ride.


Author's Note

Quick question for all of you, what do you guys think of the story so far?

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