chapter 10

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~Creams moms POV~

I had been in the kitchen making breakfast  and I heard something and it did not sound good I walked up stairs  to creams room and I poked my head in "cream dear r u ok I heard something" I said but there was no answer it was dark in the room,so I turned on the light "CREAM!!!!" I ran to her and I tried to wake her up .......but I saw blood coming through her shirt so I lifted it up I saw 3 claw marks I started to cry and I ran back to the kitchen and got the phone and called 911............."911 what's ur emergency" said a women said on the other end of the line "I NEED HELP AND QUICK MY...MY......MY" I said crying "mam plz calm down and tell me what happend" the lady said "my daughter she has 3 scratches across your stomach and she's not waking up" I said very calm but still crying " do you know what caused it, do you know what happened"the lady said now sending a ambulance " no I don't I was just in the kitchen making breakfast and  I heard something fall so I went and checked on my daughter and she is on the floor with 3 scratches I was in the kitchen the whole time please send an ambulance"I said crying more " ok I just tract your house down for my computer an ambulance is on its way"the lady said "thank you so much" i said still crying but relieved that help is on the way

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