chapter 11

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~creams moms POV~

I was sitting in the waiting room at the hospital 3 hours I have been waiting and finally the doctor comes in "is she ok" ask getting worried "yes there's nothing to worry about she is getting dressed now,you can take her home all I need u to do I sign a few papers" he said handing me a clipboard I signed the papers and gave the clipboard back to him he checked and made sure that I did not skip anything "ok u r all good to go" he said as cream came out of the bathroom "mom!!" She ran to me and hugged me I hugged her back "come on cream let's go home", 40 mins later we got home and cream went strait to her room and got the doll and started to talk to it and it seemed like it was talking back to her because she would always giggle or laugh when she pulled the doll away from her  "cream is changing" I thought to myself. 

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