Part 12

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Loki and I wake up about two hours before the ball begins. Loki cleans up and gets dressed.
"I will meet you at the ball darling. I have to speak to my mother."
"See you then."
He gives me a kiss on the forehead leaves me with some maids to get dressed, do my hair and makeup.
After like forever I was finally done getting dressed.

(Outfit, hair, shoes makeup)

(If you don't like it you can imagine different dress, color, or style

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(If you don't like it you can imagine different dress, color, or style.)

Wow, I look...amazing. Damn. I shake myself from my thoughts thank the maids and head to the ballroom. I arrive at the doors and meet Thor and Loki.
"Hey Thor, very handsome."
"Thank you lady y/n. You look beautiful. My brother is very lucky."
Loki turns around and his mouth drops as does mine.
"Damn Loki. You're obviously handsome already but you look hot haha."
Loki gives a smile.
"You're stunning y/n. And that dress really brings out your curves."
Loki comes up to me and kisses my cheek.
"You really have an eye for fashion Loki. Thank you for the surprise, I love it."
"You're welcome darling. Are you ready?"
"Not at all haha but as long as I have you by my side I'll be fine."
"Don't worry darling I'm not going anywhere."
"Right, let's drink!" Thor booms excited like a little kid. Loki and I look at Thor then each other and laugh. The doors open and the room is filled with nobles and common folk dressed in gorgeous outfits. Loki, Thor, and I walk up in front of Frigga and Odin, kneel or curtsy and rise.
"Tonight we welcome my sons back home and their friend. Let the festivities begin." Odin's voice fills the room and everyone cheers. Odin and Frigga leave their seats and greet us again and move on to greet the guests. Thor Loki and I go mingle with Thor's friends.
"It's wonderful to have you back home Thor." A man with long red hair and a beard gives Thor a hug.
"It's good to be back. Let me introduce you. This is y/n, y/n these are my friends the warriors three and Lady Sif." The man with long red hair and beard comes up to me
"I'm Volstagg, very nice to meet you lady y/n." He grabs me into a hug and lifts me off the ground a bit. I laugh and meet the floor again.
"Nice to meet you too."
"I'm Fandral." He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles while looking into my eyes and gives a smirk. Um okay no.
"Nice to meet you."
"I'm Hogun pleasure." He bows his head and I do the same.
"Pleasure is all mine."
"I'm Sif. I can't imagine how Loki captured a beautiful creature as yourself."
"Thanks...I think, it's nice to meet you Lady Sif."
"How long will you be staying Lady y/n?" Fandral asks.
"A week."
"Pardon my boldness but what can you do?"
"Well to make it simple I have powers similar to Loki super strength and combat skills."
"Will we be seeing you in action?"
"As in train with you?"
"That would be great. Maybe you can come train with us sometime." He gestures over to Volstagg, Hogun and Lady Sif.
"I'd love to."
"Yes! Maybe you can knock Fandral's "Dashing" personality around a bit." Volstagg booms with food in his hand and mouth. We all laugh and enjoy the rest of the ball. The ball is still like how it was when it started booming with excitement but it's very late and I become tired.
"Are you alright darling?"
"I'm just tired that's all."
"Would you like to go to bed?"
"This is for us, it'd be rude to leave."
"Darling it'll be more than alright for us to leave. We still have to speak with my mother as well."
"I almost forgot. Let's go speak to Frigga."
Loki and I walk through the crowd and into a little seating area and find Frigga reading.
"Loki y/n please sit."
We sit down opposite of Frigga.
"So I went through a group of books to see why your powers are so familiar to me. Turns out your powers originated on an uninhabited planet. Stories were written about other beings visiting this planet not of our worlds. I'm still not sure where you come from exactly so it will take time but I can tell you that Titan is where you originally may have came from. Will you be willing to join me tomorrow so I can see your powers in action?"
"Yes of course. Do you know anything of my ancestry?"
"I do not but whoever gave you your powers or you inherited your powers from is of celestial being."
"What?" Loki speaks up with shock in his voice.
"I had the same reaction. I'm not sure from who but we will find out."
"Sorry a celestial being as in a god or goddess?"
"Yes dear."
"So what does that make me?"
"It makes you a goddess, of what I have no clue."
I sit there dumbfounded at what I've been told.
"Darling are you alright?"
"Huh um yeah I'm alright just shocked is all. Thank you Frigga."
"No problem dear, I will see you tomorrow morning. Go get some rest you must be tired."
Loki and I nod stand from our seats and walk to his room. We enter his room and I sit on the edge of his bed thinking over everything I've been told.
Wow, a goddess. But how? Why wouldn't I know, how couldn't I know or remember?! I...I can't be a goddess. Me!? And Titan?! How's that possible?
Loki walks in front of me and kneels down.
"Darling rest your mind for tonight."
"I know, it's just I feel like my life is a lie. Thinking you're someone but finding out you're someone else it's a lot." I sigh
"I know what you mean darling. I too was brought to believe in something my whole life and then it all came crashing down when I found out the truth."

"I know, it's just I feel like my life is a lie. Thinking you're someone but finding out you're someone else it's a lot." y/n sighs
"I know what you mean darling. I too was brought to believe in something my whole life and then it all came crashing down when I found out the truth."
"What do you mean?"
I grab her hand and place it on my cheek leaning into her warmth. Please forgive me darling.
I slowly start changing into my jotun form my hands turning blue and skin becoming cold. I look into her glistening e/c eyes and see her expression change to shock.
"I'm a monster. A hideous monster, a jotun."
I feel her pull her hand away.
I knew she could never love me. Who would love a monster like me.
I feel her soft hands hold my face and lift to meet her gaze. She's knelt in front of me tracing her eyes over my appearance. She moves a finger over the markings in my face.
"You're beautiful Loki."
What? I tense at what she says.
"Your blue skin, the markings, your cold touch, those crimson eyes... You're beautiful Loki all of you. I love you for who you are in here."
She places her hand on my chest.
"I've hurt and killed so many innocents how could you look past that?"
"I've hurt many innocents while with Hydra...You looked past my demons from my past. That's all that it is the past, this is now you and I together right now."
Her eyes water as she looks into my eyes. In an instant she pulls me into a kiss. She pulls away her forehead on mine and gives a soft smile.
"You're stuck with me Loki whether you like it or not."
"Then we will be together forever darling."
I grab the back of her neck and pull her into another kiss and change back to my Loki appearance.
"Let's get some rest darling we have a big day tomorrow."
"Okay. I'm going to get ready for bed."
She heads to the bathroom cleans up and comes out in a black silky nightgown.

I get ready for bed and change into black sweats and no shirt

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I get ready for bed and change into black sweats and no shirt. We slip into bed and I pull her close to me.
"I love you Loki, goodnight."
"I love you darling, sleep well."
I kiss her forehead and soon we are taken by the calmness of sleep.

The Sinner's light (loki × y/n)FEM*Where stories live. Discover now