Part 18

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I wake up to the warmth of the sun on my skin. I open my eyes and and still in Loki's arms my head against his chest.
What am I going to do?
I couldn't help but still feel guilt for last night.
I let her push me. I let Tempest come forward. I let this happen.
I am pulled out of my thoughts by Loki tightening his hold on me.
He's so peaceful when he sleeps.
I move my hand and place it on his cheek rubbing my thumb on his cheek.
"Good morning darling." Loki looks down at me.
"Good morning."
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm alright, just guilty." I sigh and look down. Loki lifts my chin with his hand.
"Don't tear yourself apart darling, you are powerful in many ways and you can overcome anything."
I give a soft smile.
"Thank you."
Loki leans in and places a kiss on my lips. We pull apart and sit up. We both get dressed in our midgardian attire seeing that we are leaving after breakfast. As we both finish I break the silence.
"How did Frigga react to my outburst?"
Loki comes up to my holding my hands in his.
"There is a war you are fighting inside and we all understand how hard it is. She doesn't blame you if that is what you are asking."
I nod and grab my bag with all my stuff and follow Loki out to eat with Thor Frigga Odin the warriors three and.... Sif. We enter the dining hall and sit at our places. Thor walks in with Sif and the warriors three following shortly behind. The warriors three greet me and Loki. Sif doesn't even bother to look at me.
The tension in the room is thick. Sif has her arm wrapped up where I cut her. Everyone is seated as we wait for Frigga and Odin to join us. There's awkward silence and everyone is a little uneasy. My hand starts to shake but Loki places his hand on mine.
I'm here love.
I look at him give him a smile squeezing his hand and nod.
"So brother and Y/N are you guys ready to leave back to midgard?" Thor breaks the silence.
"Yes, we're ready to go."
"I miss everyone so I'm ready to go back."
"You will have to come visit again soon, seeing as your birthday is coming up."
Everyone's attention is turned to Frigga as she enters with Odin and the take their seats as the food is brought out.
"How did you?"
"I was raised by witches dear I've seen things that have not happened yet."
I smile and nod.
"Thank you but I don't like to celebrate my birthday...things tend to take a turn for the worst on that day."
"Nonsense darling it's your 21st birthday. It's meant to be special. You can even invite your family here to Asgard."
"Yes dear."
"T thank you."
She nods and we return to eating breakfast. A little chit chat here and there. After breakfast Thor Loki and I head to the bifrost. Frigga accompanies us saying farewells to us before Heimdall sends us back to Earth. We arrive on the roof of the Avengers tower in mere seconds.

"Sir there seems to be company."
"Where?" Tony asks stands from his desk.
"The roof sir. Loki Thor and Y/N have returned from Asgard."
"Great why didn't you lead with that Friday."
"Sorry sir."
"Let everyone know they are back."
"Yes sir."

"Yes Friday?"
"Mr. Stark has asked me to inform everyone that Thor Loki and Y/N are back. They are on the roof."
"Thank you Friday."
Steve practically jumps out of his bed and rushes to the roof with everyone else.

"Do they know what happened on Asgard?" I asked looking and Thor and Loki.
"We felt it best for you to tell them when you are ready." Thor had a somber tone to his voice and gave a smile.
"When you're ready darling, there is no rush." Loki squeezed my hand and smiled. I nodded and smiled back.
"Thank you."
Not even a second after we all turn to the roof door hearing it open and seeing a stampede heading towards us.
"Y/N!" Nat and Wanda both run up to me and squeeze me in a hug together.
"Haha I missed you guys too. But if you want me around longer I'm going to need to be able to breathe."
The both let out a giggle and let go pulling away.
"Draga!" Bucky rushes to me lifts me into a hug and spins me around before putting me down.
"Bucky!" I couldn't help but laugh.
"I've missed your crazy ass."
"I missed your old ass."
Bucky nudges my arm.
"Onyx, Reindeer games, Point break welcome back."
"Stark." Thor and Loki said in unison.
"You know Stark when I first met you I thought you were annoying."
"And you are."
Everyone laughed.
"Okay take her back."
"Aw don't be like that I really did miss you Tony."
Clint, Bruce, Vision, Sam and all greeted us back. Pietro being Pietro ran over to me and kissed my cheek. "Welcome back Y/N." and ran away into the tower.
"That speedy son of a bitch." Loki said out loud before yelling after him and chasing him into the tower. Everyone laughed and started to head into the tower.
"Welcome back kid." Steve spoke walking up to me.
"It's great to be back."
"I missed you kid." He pulled me into a hug and I returned it.
"I miss you too."
The hug was long and comforting in a parental sense. I couldn't help but feel my eyes water and a tear fall down my cheek. A sniffle escaped and Steve pulled away looking down at me.
"What's wrong kid?"
"I..I messed up bad Steve. Last night we were training and I lost control again. This time I physically hurt someone and could've killed them." The tears started to fall from my eyes.
"Hey hey hey, everything is alright. We are all here to support you kid. We would never think of you any different." Steve pulled me into another hug petting my hair calming me down with his chin resting on my head.
"Steve?" I spoke into his chest. He hummed answering me.
"You never had kids right?"
"No why do you ask?"
"Well you'd be a great dad of you did." I pull away looking up at him and smiling a tear running down my cheek.
"Well hopefully one day that can change." Steve wiped the tear away with his thumb and gave me a smile.
"Can I ask a favor?"
"Don't worry. When you're ready you can talk to the rest of the team. I'll be here if you need me."
"Thank you."
Steve and I hugged one last time before heading into the tower and entering the lounge room with everyone else bickering over Loki having chained Pietro up. Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Nat, and Clint were laughing their ass off while Tony and Banner had *seriously* expressions on their faces. Vision and Thor just sat talking about who knows what.
"You sure you don't want to go back to Asgard?" Steve said standing to your side leaning down to you. You smiled and laughed.
"No, I rather be where my family is." I look up to Steve and give him a smile. He smiles back and nods before going to join everyone else going over to Loki and telling him to unchain Pietro. Reluctantly Loki released Pietro. As I was looking at the scene in front of me I couldn't help but smile to myself.
This is my family.
I laugh out loud to myself and join everyone else. They all look at me laughing to myself as I sit next to Loki and Bucky.
"What are you so giddy about doll?"
"Just can't believe all of us misfits are so...similar."
"Woah wait I am no misfit I am perfect in every way." Tony speaks up taking a sip of what looks to be bourbon. Everyone rolls their eyes and groan at his comment.
"Anyways since you guys are back that means we have to set up things for you to become and Avenger." Tony speaks up again.
Shit...I totally forgot. But I can't be an Avenger after last night.
Darling take your time don't rush if you aren't ready to be an Avenger.
I looked at Loki and smiled.
"Is there a rush to become an Avenger?"
Everyone looked at me a little confused except for Thor Loki and Steve.
"No there isn't but don't you want to be an Avenger?" Tony asked confused.
"Of course. More than anything just I barely got back I want time to adjust."
"But why not get it done and..."
"Tony, let her take some time." Steve spoke up placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Alright, just don't take forever Onyx."
"I won't. Also can we all do something together?"
"What do you have in mind girly?" Nat sat down followed by everyone else.
"Well we could have movie night or go out, like to the beach?"
"I think the beach is a great idea." Sam spoke up.
"Then we'll go to the beach. When did you want to go?" Tony asked clapping his hands together.
"Today." Loki, Wanda and I all said in unison earning surprised looks from everyone.
"Freaking mind readers." Clint said jokingly shaking his head.
"Well suit up everyone. We leave in 30 minutes." Steve stood up announcing. Everyone stood up and went to get ready and pack up snacks drinks and stuff for some fun activities. I was about to walk away when I remembered I didn't have a swim suit. As I was turning around to call Nat and Wanda they already stayed behind and smiled.
"Freaking mind readers." I repeat what Clint said.
"Let's get a move on then. We have a critical mission." Nat said grabbing the keys to one of Tony's cars. Wanda and I followed her out to the garage when we heard someone call out.
"We're coming too." Sam yelled out followed by Bucky and Pietro.
"We won't have room in the car with six of us." Wanda spoke a little annoyed. I just smiled.
"Well Y/n can always sit on my lap." Pietro sped behind me.
"Okay definitely not." Wanda said as she swung her hand smacking the back of his head. I just laughed.
"Why do you guys want to come anyway?" I asked through my laughter.
"Have you seen my thighs? I need the perfect swim trunks or speedos that enhance them." Sam said confidently earning a snicker from me Nat and Wanda as Bucky and Pietro rolled there eyes.
"I also don't have anything like you doll."
"Okay fair."
We all turn and look at Pietro.
"I just wanted to get these new trunks I saw at the mall."
"Okay okay but how are we all going to fit?" Nat asked.
"I can sit on Bucky's lap seeing as we're comfortable enough with each other."
"Works for me." Bucky says casually.
We all file into the car and I sit on Bucky's lap leaning back against his chest.

The Sinner's light (loki × y/n)FEM*Where stories live. Discover now