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When I woke up I was in a sitting position. When I raised my neck all I could feel was pain. My neck was in a bad position and moving wasn't the best option. My vision was a bit blurry and all I could see was black. As my sight came back I saw I was in a pitch black room. I felt my arms, hands, legs and feet all tied to a chair. I started trying to move around but I could break loose.

"Geez I knew there was something wrong here!" I said frustrated.

"And you're exactly correct!" I heard a female voice say from the dark. I looked up quickly.

"Who's there?!" I asked.

The women revealed herself and it was none other than the headmistress of the school!

"Lady Raziel!" I said angry. "I knew there was something wrong about you."

"My dear you have caused enough damage and because of you Heaven is in danger. You fell right where we all wanted you too and just in time too. You will be taken to the the two head sons of God and see what they'll do with you. Us angels will attempt to clear up everything you have done and save all in Heaven!" She exclaimed.

"Danger?! What danger have I caused?! I did nothing wrong?!" I shouted.

"You have broken the rules one too many times Ramona! You have spoken about things that light angels cannot know about!"

"But it's true! Everyone must know about what Heaven is doing!" I said.

"Enough! Take her away!" Lady Raziel said.

"Wait no!" I shouted but it was too late. Two other angels came over and began to take me.


The two angels threw me into a room where many head angels and gaurdian angels were. I stood up right away and saw that across from me were the two head sons of God, my brothers, Micheal and Gabriel.

"Michael, Gabriel." I said sternly.

"Ramona." They both said.

"Why am I here?! I did nothing wrong!"

"You've done plenty Ramona." Gabriel said.

"You have broken the rules far too many times and have questioned the way we run things here. There are reasons for that, sister. They're to protect us." Micheal said.

"Protect us from who exactly?! Lucifer?!" I yelled.

I heard gasps and voices whispering. I saw Michael and Gabriel get furious.

" know we do not speak his name here!" Gabriel yelled.

"Then why tell about him to us!" I shout back.

"Because it is history and its apart of- You know what, we don't need to explain to you! You are just as the prophecy said you would be!" Gabriel exclaimed.

I paused. "Prophecy?! What prophecy?!"

"God once spoke of an angel that would be different from the others. She would be dangerous and curious. Curious to know all about Heaven. Curiosity leads her to trouble and turning against the angels and that leads her to the end of Heaven itself." Micheal explained.

My heart dropped. "No! I- I would never do that!" I yelled.

"You are the one they speak of Ramona and now we must kill you little one." Michael explained.

"What?! No!" I screamed.

That's when the two angels grabbed ahold of me again and began to drag me down the room towards the door, when suddenly a figure appeared in the room and fog filled the air. I couldn't see a thing but that last thing I saw was the figure grabbing me and instantly we were gone.

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