The Battle of Heaven and Hell

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"Ramona? Are you ready to fight along side Hell now?" Lucifer asked. "Do you realize that this is where you belong? Will you help us fight against God and his lights angels and take over the world? My dear you are more powerful the rest of us. Not as powerful as god but are more powerful than any other angels in Heaven or Hell. You can destroy all of Heaven, leaving God with no one. You are different a good way. This is where you were meant to be. You were meant to be the destroyer, the end of Heaven. Making us rule them all. Are you ready to take this and follow what you were destined for?"

I looked up at him.

And then I smirked

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And then I smirked. "This is going to be sooooo fun!" I said evilly.

Lucifer grinned. "Perfect." He said with a slyly. He turned around and whistled loudly. "Gather every demon in hell! We're going to war!"


     I walked along side with Lucifer as we headed back to hell in an open area of green, green grass. Everywhere I stepped, the grass died. It felt so calming to see it burn. Behind us was an army of dark angels ready to fight. I was prepared and ready for this. Oh sweet revenge. All those light angels that have ever shown me disrespect and unkindness to me will die...oh wait...that means every last one. I won't stop until every last one of them are dead!

Suddenly we were all captured in some sort of trap. We were cut in nets, that's when many light angels came out and had their weapons with them. Micheal and Gabriel came up to the net and their faces were stern.

"Lucifer." Michael said greeting Lucifer.

"Hello brothers. Nice to see you on such a swell day." He said.

"What have you done with the girl?" Gabriel asks.

"Who me?" I ask. "Oh I'm here just...not all there." I said with a wide smile making my eyes glow.

Michael and Gabriel looked concerned. "Lucifer what did you do?!" Gabriel yelled.

"What was mean to happen! She is one of us demons! She will tear Heaven down and we will take over the world!" Lucifer says.

"We won't let you!" A random light angel said. "Besides, you can't cut through the ropes, they're specifically for demons."

I then instantly place my finger on the next and it burns, causing it to set us free and us demon angels were let loose.

"Boom." Lucifer said and suddenly all the dark angel began to attack the light angels and everyone, both Heaven and Hell began to fight.

I stood there in the middle of all of it and just smiled. It was amazing seeing everyone killing one another. Revenge felt so good.

I took flight up into the sky and began to shoot my white light beams at multiple angels.

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