To Be Yourself

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The dispatch was quiet as William leaned over to turn out the light, then turn over to wrap Grell in his embrace. It felt good how well she fit against him, curled up against his torso, an arm wrapped around her waist. She was warm and smelled of cinnamon, the body spray she insisted on putting on after she got out of the shower. He leaned his head against her red mane and smiled in the darkness.

“You know, I was grossly unprepared to be you,” he admitted.

Her body shook as she chuckled. “Was it that bad?”

“It wasn’t bad, I just didn’t feel like I did you justice. You were hugging that demon earlier, and I realized how out of place you looked in such a manly outfit. It reminded me of how you were back in Academy.”

“I was… a very different person in those days, Will. I was trying to be someone I wasn’t.”

“Well,” William sighed. “I found out first hand how much better you are at acting than I am. I was very uncomfortable, and screwed up more times than I’d like to admit.”

“Oh, that’s so sweet!” Her warm lips kissed his hand. “I guess it was easier for me. I’ve never really felt comfortable in my body. It’s taken me a long time to make it match who I am. When I was in Academy, I had so much pressure to live up to the expectations other people had, that it took me a while to find myself. I realized I was acting a role not to please me, but to please other people, and that simply had to change.”

William got up on his elbows so he could look her in the face. “I love you just as you are, Grell. Don’t ever feel like you need to change for me.” He smiled, “I admit I don’t always understand you, but honestly I prefer it that way.”

There were tears in her eyes. “Oh Will!”

As they kissed, William could feel hot tears roll down her cheeks.

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