Something's Not Right

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“Are you okay?”

It took a moment for William to recognize Ronald’s voice. He couldn’t even make sense of the words at first. It was like he was stepping out of a dense fog and was finally able to see the world. Ron was leaning over him, a trail of blood marring his face and clumped in his blond hair.

“What happened?” He whispered.

Ronald gave a relieved smile. “You two just collapsed. I mean, luckily I was just coming to, so we all didn’t get torn apart by demons, you know?” He glanced nervously behind him and William arched an eyebrow. He wasn’t used to seeing Ronald look so nervous. Of all the members of his team, Ronald was usually the most self assured, even when he made enormous mistakes. “Normally I don’t get knocked down so easily like that, Senpai, I promise. Please don’t tell Will about it. I don’t think he saw it happen.”

Why in the world was Ronald calling him Senpai? And why was he speaking about him in the third person? He sighed and reached up to adjust his spectacles, only to feel a glasses chain shift on his neck. He blinked and reached over to feel long hair on his shoulder.

“That demon,” he growled, surprised at both the points of his teeth and the pitch of his voice. He turned to spot his body lying face-down.  “Is…William?”

“No, he’s still out. He seems okay though.”

He narrowed his eyes, “And his deathscythe?”

Ronald gave him a confused look. “Uh, it’s in his hand.”

“Good…” William relaxed a bit. He was afraid the demon might have stolen it when their bodies switched. He pushed himself up to his feet and straightened his shirt. At least, he tried to, but Grell’s vest seemed to be carefully form-fitted and didn’t want to move much. She had very odd taste in clothing.

Ronald glanced back to William’s body. “Want me to get him?”

“No, I’ll take care of it. I want you to head back to the dispatch. I’ll need a full report of everything that happened.”

He gave a sigh, “Right now? I mean, I got hit pretty hard. I thought I would maybe take it easy for a couple of hours before I deal with all that paperwork. It’s going to give me such a headache.”

William blinked. Good grief, did he give Grell this much trouble all the time? How ridiculous. He tried to think of how Grell would respond, but his acting skills were certainly not the best. He gave a small, awkward smile. “Quit complaining and get it done.” The mixture of the creepy smile and stern orders seemed to throw Ronald off.

“Okay, Senpai, no big deal. Hope you didn’t hit your head too hard.”

“I’m fine,” William adjusted his glasses, frowning as the chain shifted on his neck and moved his long hair on his shoulders. How in the world did Grell deal with that all the time? “I’ll take care of him… don’t worry.” He gave another awkward smile.

“Yeah well, just try not to feel him up, alright? He hates it when you do that.”

William’s felt his face flush at the thought, but Ronald had already bounded off. Good grief, Grell hadn’t done that to him since their Academy years. At least, that he knew about. He gave a heavy sigh and went over to check on his lover.

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