Part 1 (That night)

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Harith pov

"NANA,NANA WAKE UP. WAKE UP" Nana's best friends scream at the top of their lungs

"Harith this is all your fault" Lylia screams at him

All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault
All your fault

The words echo in his head with some ambulance sounds in the background

"Panting, panting" I wake up to find myself sweating again

"Harith, mm...are you ok?" My roomate, Harley wakes up at the sounds of me panicking again.

" fine" I said to reasure him to get some rest. Since exams for our important mid year exam for college is around the corner. He needs efficient sleep. And not be woken up by me every night

"Oh Harith..." Harley says as he comes to hug me
"You know its not your fault...stop blaming yourself. You werent with her that day,so stop blaming yourself that your the reason why shes not here anymore"

"Sniff. I know. But...being in hospital must be so so lonely" I say to him

"I've been there once. Its not fun at all. But hey. You promised her that you would go visit her everyday right after mid terms. Didnt you?" Harley asked me

"Yep..yep..i did say that "

"Ok then. Get some sleep" he says as he pats my back
"Chemistry starts as our first exam tomorrow.  You wouldnt want to fail that"

"Ya. Im sure you wouldnt want to as well. So lets get some sleep. "  I try saying it in the most optimistic way ever

Next morning before exams start

"Hey guyss. Hope you guys got good sleepp. Cause i sure didnt. Chang'e was studying her butt if yesterday." Lylia says as she rubs her eyes

"Oh but im sure you'll do fine babe" Harley says as he puts his arms around Lylia
"Besides your good at chem. If your not good at it, then me and you wont be doing this today."

"Oh stop with your cheesy jokes" Lylia giggles while saying

"Oh aren't does 2 just sweet. Kind of remind me of another couple- " Chang'e stops as she looks over at me

"No its ok Chang'e, i dont mind"  I say even though i know it hurts. It hurts so much

"Did he have a relapse yesterday night? He looks more tired than usual"  Diggie whispers to Harley

"Ya he did. But i calmed him down"  Harley tells him

"How long has it already been?" Diggie

"Umm...i think 3 months?" Harley

"5" I say as i sneak up on them
"5 to be exact"

"Hey buddy. Calm down. Ok?" Cyclops tells me to calm me down.  His like me therapist

"Its not as easy as you think. But I'll try" I reasure them one more time

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