Part 3 (Seeing you soon)

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The bell for the last exam finally rang.
The bell that everyone was waiting for 

Espically Harith

Pov Harith

"EXAMS ARE OVERRRR" Chang'e cheered with Diggie as they stepped out of the classroom

If you dont know them well you'll think their weird. But im used to this apperently

"Hey buddyy." Alucard came towards me
"You glad? Exam's are over"

"OH IM VERY GLAD." I say as i look at him

"Hey, are you ok? Have you been sleeping?" 

"Nop, his been running on caffeine for the past 72 hours. And wont sleep when i ask him too" Harley comes over and tell Alu

"Yo, get some sleep bro." Cyc comes over from what looked like the lab

"But i have to see Nana." I say as i crack my bones

"Nu-uh. We ain't gonna let you go like that." Diggie says

"We gonna have a sleepover to let you chill. My room. At 8pm. See you guys later. Now i shall take him back to the dorm. Cmon" Harley says as he drags me

I grumpyly get dragged back to the dorm to take a unwilling nap

"Oh cmon Harith, naps are great. And im sure Nana doesnt want to see you running on caffeine for her bro."

"I want to see her....i need to see her"

"🙂🙃 bro- i said tomorrow. You need to rest. Your under to much stress. Were gonna help you distress tonight. Now get some sleep. I gotta make some distress food for tonight." Harley says as he closes our room door

Harley pov

"Please make sure he doesnt get out of our dorm. I got to go buy some food. You guys want anything?" I ask my other 2 dormmates

"Ya, sure thing. He really needs to sleep. It would be nice if you can get a bucket of fried chicken." Dyrroth. One of my dormmates said

"Yuh, that would be nice. I want to eat that now" Martis said. Also my other dormmate

"Ok. I'll get some for you guys otw back" 

"Bye" They yelled to me

I got into my car and drove to a mall to get  the food for the sleepover and that bucket of fried chicken

"Ok, so what do we need." I ask myself as i look through the food aisle

I walked to the sweet aisle and took some chocolate, some candy, marshmallows and some of my favourite mints for when i'm studying. 

After walking for awhile Lylia called me

"Hey babe" She says through the phone

"Hey baby" I say back


"Oh nothing, just getting some food for the sleepover with the boys later. YOu?" 

"Im boreddd. Its fine, go continue your shopping. I'll go annoy Chang'e" 

"Haha. Ok sweetie. Bye. I love you."

"Love you too. Byee"

I walk to the counter and put my groceries onto the counter. 

"Is this all sir?" The counter person asks me

"Yep. How much?" 

"That will be 25 dollars." 

"Here you go. Thank you." I say as i give the money and take all the groceries back to the car

I went to a near by KFC to get a bucket of chicken for Martis and Dyrroth

After about 15 minutes i reached back to school and went straight to the dorm to prepare some of the food

"Hey guys. Thanks for helping me look after Harith for awhile" i tell Martis and Dyrroth

"Oh no problem. Did you get us chicken?"
Dyrroth askes

"He just came back. Shouldn't you be helping him put the food somewhere where it doesnt take the space on the table?" Martis looks at him

"Ya ya. Whatever. Just wondering if he remembered boss🙄"

"Hahhah. Its ok. I know you guys want you chicken.  I got it. And dont need to help put these back. I'm using it for later. You guys wanna join?" I ask them. To stop them from fighting

"Ya sure. Oh and Harith never left the room. Should check on him." Dyrroth told me

"Oh, ok thanks."  I thank him as i  walk to my room 

Harith pov

I was sleeping peacefully til i heard my room door open. I quickly sat up and saw Harley

"Heyy." Harley says to me

"Hi, what you get?" I ask him since he did mention of going to buy food for later.

"Oh, just some snacks and beer. Nothing much. How you feeling?" 

"HorRiBLe :) "

"Why so? You slept for like 3 hours." 

"Oh, its cause i cant see her :( "

"We said you can go tomorrow..did you not listen?" 

"NOp, To busy thinking bout her." 

"Enjoy tonight. We'll see her tomorrow ok?" 

"Ya ya i know. Boys night out woooo"



"CHEERSS" All of the boys take a glass of beer and drink it down to celebrate the end of exams

" *Ah* That was good" Alucard says

"Its been so long since i last drank beer." Cyclops says

"Harith you going to see her tomorrow?" Diggie asks me

"Hm? Oh ya. I am. I think the girls will go too. Harley and ALu said their coming with me" I answer

""Ah, thats good." Dyrroth says as he takes another glass of beer

"Ok enough of girl talk. Lets enjoy tonight and worry about tomorrow alright?" Martis says as he lifts another glass

"Agreed" Harley says

The night went on with weird jokes and movie watching. Pillow fights and snack eating. Wasnt much sleep. But we got some here and there. I cant wait to see her tomorrow.

902 words





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