Part 2 (Exams)

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No ones pov


The exam bell rang. The first exam of the week has been completed

Harith still looked exhausted as ever

Lylia and Harley nervously thinking about their life decisions in the exam hall

Chang'e and Diggie  held each others hands to calm each other down

Harith Pov

"Hey bud, how was exam?" Alucard came over to ask me as he was walking to the cafeteria to get lunch

"Oh everything is easier when you know something that is harder than it." I told him

"As in embarrasment  for calling the teachers assistant Nana?" Harley suddenly appeared beside me and asked me

"Harley...please dont suddenly appear and scare me like that. PLease" I gritted my teeth because of how annoying it is for him to always suddenly appear

Like imagine. Legit

"Sorry" He told me

"But wait. Fr though, you called the examiner assistant Nana??" Alucard

"Uh..i mean- shes called Natalia. The examiner went Na- then i interrupted her because i dont know. my mouth opened by itself" 

" 1 week bro. Then you can go see her." Alucard said as he ruffled my hair even when were the same height now

I smiled back at him. I made my hair back properly and went to get food in my dormitory. 

I got my food and sat at my side of the room. Where many photos of me and my friends were pasted on the walls. Including my beloved Nana. I thought with a sigh as i looked at that photo of her, The last one photo of her being conscious. And a study table at the end of my bed. 

The other side of the room was Harley's. A box filled with magician stuff like cards and wands and stuff like that. A table by his bedside with a group photo of the whole squad. A book shelf above the table. 

A kitchen outside with a nice bathroom. With 2 other roommates on the other side of the room. I never really step into their room. But their both nice people. 

I started eating until the bell for the next class rang. 

I kept my plates away after washing them. I grabbed my books and head for my next class before the next exam. 

"See you guys later." I waved to my other 2 roomies that were in the dorm.

"See ya" They waved back

I walked out and went to find Harley for our next class. Which is magic...Nana's favourite class...

"Ayy. Why look so gloomy for magic" Harley scared me once again.

I got lazy to fight him so i just told him

"Reminds me of her again.." I told him with tears almost coming out of my eyes. He looked at me and couldnt do anything but watch me almost have another breakdown. And his next sentence gave me a shock.

"Yk what. Lets ditch today's class" Harley suddenly looked at me and said

I look at him wide eyed👁️👄👁️

"Wait- did i hear that right?"

"Well ya you did. If my best friend is sad, i'll be there to comfort him. Now come on. Let's go before teacher notices. And we'll be back before exams" Harley said as he grabbed my hand and ran out the school 

I was still shook but still smiled and laughed at the way he is now. I remembered he loved school when we were younger and wouldn't skip a class. Well i mean his parents would kill him but you get the point

"So" I asked. "Where should we go first?" I asked 

"Anywhere you have in mind?" He asked as he put on his seatbelt in the car.

"Hmm not sure. Oh i got a place...but you wont let me go anyways" 

"Don't tell me its the hospital" 

"Well, but what if it is?" I looked at him

"I won't bring you there. You promised to see her after exams." 

"Do you know how its like Harley? Imagine if you were in my shoes. Imagine if the girl that actually went into coma was actually Lylia and not Nana. How would you feel Harley?" 

He looked at me then at his steering wheel

"Where do you want to go?" He asked me again

I looked at him and then turned to the window and scoffed

"It doesnt matter where we go. Just bring me anywhere" I said still looking outside

After about 10 minutes. We reached a park that we used to hang out at as kids

"Lets get some ice cream and head back to campus." Harley said as he got the ice cream money and went down to choose an ice cream with me

"Same flavour from as we were kids?" I asked him

"Ya sure" 

"Two chocolate ice creams please." I told the ice cream vander

"That'll be 2 dollars each"

We got our ice creams and finished eating it in about 5 minutes with awkward silence

We got into the car and head back to campus before our exams start

"Im sorry for scolding you" he suddenly said to me
"I never thought of how its like being in your shoes. Being one of the top student. Having a girl that is in coma with the uncertainty if she will wake up. Having to keep a smile on your face so that no one will worry about you. And moreover. Not being able to see her for weeks. Wait no its been about 1 month plus since you last went to see her in the hospital. Im sorry"

The ride went silent again after that. I turn the radio on and looked outside again

After a while, we reached back to school

"Harleyy. Where were you?" Lylia saw us entering the school corridors

"Went out for a scroll. It was nice to breath in fresh air before exams. You should try it." He told her to stop her from panicking 

"Ya, it was a nice scroll around the school. I missed doing this." 

"If you guys say so. Now cmon. Were meeting in the exam hall for our next exam" She said as she grabbed Harley's hand and ran to the exam hall

I walk slowly behind. Just watching them reminds me of Nana again. I remember we used to race with Lylia and Harley. Sometimes with Diggie, Angela, Cyclops and Chang'e. We used to see which couple was faster

I walked a little faster to catch up with them slowly getting faster and faster. Running like how me and Nana used to run together. I reached the exam hall as the examiner was almost reaching. I sat at my place and waited for the teacher to get to class.

The examiner came in. Gave us our papers and waited for the bell


"You may begin" The examiner said

1139 words


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