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She willed herself to not check her phone to see if he had replied. It had been about three days now. She hadn't texted, but neither had he. She hadn't called, but neither had he. She'd It was his turn to play, but he had not taken his turn. She hated that she was constantly checking his 'last seen at' status and yes, he had logged in just five minutes ago. Yet she couldn't stop herself. This sinking feeling to find absolutely no communication from him was becoming unbearable, almost torturous.

And then, just as she sat down in her chair, her phone vibrated. With her heart thudding in her ear, she unlocked her phone and stared at the screen. Finally! It was his message. But when she opened it and read it, she nearly stopped breathing. She didn't know if he was joking or not. What was this?

Varun_007: Sorry for the delay, K. I was a bit busy... Truth is, I met this girl and I think I might've fallen for her. I'm not sure if she's interested, though.

Her heart sank. Probably another colleague of his... She suppressed the jealousy rising inside her. 

Maybe I read it wrong, She consoled herself. He's Varun after all. And I'm the stupid verse in his lament. With a sad smile, she typed her response.

Kiran123: She's smart enough to stay away from you.

Varun_007: It's complicated actually. I thought I felt a spark between us, but maybe it was just wishful thinking.

Kiran123: You're a clever guy, you can figure it out.

Varun_007: Clever, huh? You know what, you just convinced me... 

Varun_007: Speaking of which, I think Mehul would be perfect for you. He's a junior architect with my firm, and he's quite charming.

Kiran123: Pass. I think I'm going to be single for a while.

Varun_007: Too bad. You'll help me seduce Jasmeet though, right? 

Varun_007: She's a nurse, did I tell you that? ;)

Another grinning emoticon, Kiran noted. She rolled her eyes. 

Kiran123: It was probably on your bucket list.

Varun_007: I'll take that as an enthusiastic yes.

Kiran sighed, and put her phone away. She felt like crying, but wasn't sure why. 

Varun_007 played NOBLE for 10 points. 



It had been 3 days since he'd told her about Jasmeet. They'd begun talking again, but it felt different. For the first time, Kiran found herself measuring her words. He hadn't called even once, and their chats had reduced to short, curt replies. She figured he was spending his time calling and chatting with Jasmeet. 

Perhaps the only platform they were still active on was the game itself. They played regularly enough, and Kiran found some solace in that.

Kiran123 played GIRL for 33 points.

She'd placed the L on a triple word tile and completed the NOBLE with the R. Within moments, her phone buzzed again.

Varun_007 played GIRLS for 11 points. 

Varun_007: I want you to meet Jasmeet... Tomorrow at my place.

Kiran reread the message and sighed. When she'd agreed to 'help' him seduce this girl he'd set eyes on, she was expecting questions and opinions about places to take her, or gifts for her. She wasn't ready to meet her yet. Or ever, she thought to herself.

Kiran123: I can't make it. Sorry.

Varun_007: Come on! You have to. 

Varun_007: I'll pick you up at eight. I'll be cooking - you can't miss that.

A voice inside her head shouted at her to not give in. There was another voice, a weak one. It wondered what Jasmeet was like. It also told her that Varun was still her friend and she had better have his back. She sighed. The things you do for friends.

Kiran123: Only because you're cooking.

She switched to the Scrabble app and found something worth playing.

Kiran123 as played OWE for 6 points. 


(Photo credits: @brett_jordan on unsplash.com)

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