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Mei-Rin came back down a while later, informing me that Lady McKenzie had wished to stay in her bedroom after her bath, and had even brought the guest one of her own night gowns to wear. I thank her and take some food up to her, as it is already time for dinner. However, she doesn't really eat much at all, but at least she eats a little.

Once Lady McKenzie is once again asleep, I go down to check on Master Ciel, who, after me telling him about what happened, orders me to clean Lady McKenzie's room up. I do it as quietly as I possibly can as to not wake her, picking up every shard of glass, rubbing the blood stains out of the carpet, and also redecorating it with new lamps and pictures and such else.

I give everything one last check before nodding my approval and leaving Lady McKenzie's room, then go down to prepare my master's own dinner. I can hardly trust Baldroy to do it himself, after all.


Undertaker is sitting in his chair, feet propped up onto the metal desk and resting on some papers. The buckles on his boots shine brightly as they catch sunlight, but even then I don't move. i doubt I would if I could, anyway. Especially with the way the guy's playing with a knife in his hands. A sharp one. Oh god...

"Y-yes, Mr. Undertaker?" I ask. Wow. That sounded scared... But I have a good reason to be afraid! The legendary reaper could be deadly with a damned cotton ball if he so desired! "Is there... Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, boy, there is," came is reply in a low and rather creepy voice. "What's the reason you're here?"

"Well... I was wondering... Where's McKenzie?" I ask, still up against the wall, head next to the scissors. Undertaker's response was simple and flat.


"Gone? Why? What do you mean?"

"Wouldn't you know? Seeing how you spend so much time with her, I would assume you would know about what would be going on," he says bitterly.

"Sir, I really only spend time with her during school hours. And as for studying, we really don't even talk about anything else other than what we need to be," I say. It then sinks in. "Are you... Are you trying to say we... do you think we..." I shake my head quickly.

"No, of course not. I don't think anything of the sort. I know it," Undertaker growls.

"What?! Why would you think that? I think you got something completely wrong, Mr. Undertaker!" I say. Then, he takes the knife in his hands and jams it into the top of the desk, making it stick straight up. I jump a but, and right after he does that, he stands abruptly and faces me.

"And just what do I have wrong?! What else and I supposed to assume after she spends so much time with you?! Obviously enjoying your company and when you're around her!" he yells, then clenches his fists, as if trying to calm down. "That... That is prohibited here at school... Do such things at your own time...." I roll my eyes. Mak must not have told him I knew.

"I'll tell you exactly what you have wrong. I would never do anything to her like that. Not even close! We're friends and that's as far as the line goes with us! Also, I know about you and her! I know about your relationship! And I have complete respect for it! I would never do anything to mess it up between you two!"

"You... Really?"

"Yes, really!" I yell, more still out of panic than anger or anything else. I don't wanna die, okay? "I couldn't lie to you! Not if I wish to live for a while longer! Which, by the way, I do!" And things are silent. Undertaker looks away from me, and there's a very faint noise that I can only hear because I'm a reaper since it's so quiet: "Mikki..."

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