
590 30 12

Guess who has a headache because he fell on his head while skateboarding :')

okay first you skate and second how tf!?

yeah I wanted to start because I saw sk8 the infinity, but it isn't that easy

well no shit Sherlock
and I also skate lmao
also because I watched sk8-

and Idk how i did that
I just drove
and drove
and then I fell


and  I still have a headace

lol skills

yeah 100%
I'M A pro

no but fr how did you do that

dunno. I think there was a rock?

lol is this some new kind of skateboard trick?

Wtf haha

I would call it headbang


Invented by Lev

well fuck you ig
but you should try it :)
It'S Fun 

No thank you. I'll pass 

aww how sad
It's so fun

yeah totally


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