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We arrived at the amusement park. "Wowowowow it's so big." Yaku-San rolled his eyes. "Have you never been to an amusement park before?" I smiled. "I've been to one before but it wasn't that big."

"Well then what do you want to see first?" I thought a bit. "Uhm maybee... OH THIS ONE" I pointed at a roller-coaster. He looked into that direction. "Uhm okay if you want to."

I ran towards the queue and Yaku-san followed me. I was so happy that I was able to spend my time with him there.

After a bit we were finally able to get into the roller-coaster. It was really fun.

I once looked over to Yaku-san and he smiled. I couldn't just look now. I guess I stared at him a bit too long because he turned his head Into my direction. "You good?" I smiled. "Yeah I am."

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