Part 3, london is under invasion

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the whole world was aware of me under the london invasion and wanted to take me, but why i was determining the fate of the londress only, as it turned out, i was determining the fate of the whole world, not just the lond. If I wish, the war knows a bit of a wish, but in a minute, while my mother was thinking about where and my friend William was thinking, my phone rang, my mother told me that she was in a cafe and that she was safe, but there was no news from my friend William, I tried to understand what was happening outside and I wished my language and for exactly two hours. Then I learned that the war was over, but I could not find my friend.I had to take my mother from the cafe first, then I would call William and I took my mother from the cafe and asked if he saw William and he went to the market opposite me while I was sitting in the cafe, but that market was destroyed and the phone rang. I was very curious about where you are, I don't need to come to pick you up, kyle I come but brn I did not accept it and I got the giddip William and we were all safe now, but it did not last long, I wish it fell and enemies appeared but how would it be, it was impossible for them to find this place. There was a voice from the house, you have a package, the sounds from the house stopped and I took the package and went back in, but a letter came out of the box, the letter said

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