Tweeting Prince Charming

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Every year the Prince Charming school account is passed down to an incoming senior guy picked at random. Being Prince Charming however is no joke, you're expect to charm over your female classmates. By trying to get them in love with who you truly are, there's one problem though.

No one can know who you actually are, since it's against the rules to say so. Everyone must figure out who Prince Charming is on their own and if they don't, well they will have to wait till senior prom.

But what happens when Stella Cook, gets a follow from the Prince Charming account?

To add to all the drama, it doesn't help that Prince Charming just doesn't follow anyone. Add in a couple of DM's from Prince Charming himself, jealous girls, corny/romantic tweets and there you go.

You got yourself a tweeting Prince Charming!

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