Chapter Thirteen

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Y/n anxiously bounced her knee under the table in Principal Nezu's office. Her Teacher sat to her right, and Mina sat to her left. They were now waiting for Nezu to return from his lunch. All of their heads turned to the door as he strutted through. "Ah- I wasn't expecting anyone. Is something wrong?" He hopped up into his chair and turned back to them. "My student received a call from the LOV late last night. They said they were going to be coming for her soon. I think it's time to put her under protective custody, at least till we know she is safe to return to her normal daily life." Aizawa explained. Principal Nezu almost spat out his tea as he regained his composure.

"Yes. I understand. I do expect her studies not to be interrupted by this. I would like her to continue her studies. That's all I ask." He answered back. Y/n nodded and sat up straighter. "I will continue my studies. I just want to know that I will be safe," she stated both nodded their heads. "Mina, return to class. We have important matters to discuss." Aizawa ordered. She nodded quickly and got up. "Bye Y/n! Let me know how it goes." She smiled brightly at her before leaving the office. "Now then. Due to these new circumstances, I will have your schoolwork emailed to you and you email back with the work finished. You might end up bouncing around between different Pro Heroes while under protective custody, but to start out, you will be with Aizawa." Nezu explained. A soft sigh of disapproval from Aizawa, but it was barely heard.

"I suppose it's needed. Will I still be staying in the dorms or should I take her back to my apartment?" He sounded like he was stating the obvious rather than asking. "I will have Present Mic sub for you till we get someone to stay with her. But you are right. The LOV knows where the dorms are, so it would be best for you to take her with you since they don't know where you live." He replied. Aizawa sighed and got up. He motioned for Y/n to follow him. "Understood. I will keep an eye on her till Someone can relieve me." He stated. He left the room and Y/n quickly followed behind him.


"You got everything?" Aizawa asked, He looked like he was about to fall over from exhaustion "Yeah, I got my necessities and some extra stuff." she answered. He nodded and started to walk off. "What about you? Don't you have some stuff you've brought here that you wanna take back?" she questioned. "Not really. Everything here is just clothes and my bathroom supplies. I already have enough at home so there's no need." He answered bluntly. Y/n fell quiet as she followed him out of the school grounds and into the busy streets. She barely kept up with him as they treaded through the crowds. It seemed like they were busy watching a fight. She tried her best to keep within arms reach of Aizawa. 

Soon they came to a stop in front of a gate. He had to input a numerical key and then it opened. Y/n followed him up the stairs to his apartment and he unlocked it. The moment he walked in he was greeted with a flying ball of fur. Once Aizawa flicked the lights on Y/n now noticed the ball of fur was a cat. A medium-sized darker tabby cat. Aizawa sat down on the couch and let the cat down, but it refused to leave his side. It continued to circle around his legs and rub its head on his shins. "This is my cat, his name is Oliver. I always call him Ollie." Aizawa told her, She sat down on the opposite couch and watched as Ollie strutted over and sniffed her legs. Once he was done sniffing, he continued to rub his head all over her shins.

"He seems to like you. Ollie is a good guard cat. What you saw when we walked in is what he does to unexpected visitors. Except he actually bites and scratches them." He explained. Ollie heard his name and trotted back over to his owner. "He's a sweet boy. I've always liked cats. They don't make as much noise as dogs, and they're great cuddle buddies." she mumbled. He hummed a response before getting up. "Follow me." He instructed. She obliged and followed him down the hall.

"Here is your room. The bathroom is across the hall from it. My room is at the end of the hall. You know where the kitchen and living room are. Don't wake me up unless it's an emergency. And do not answer the door for any reason. You come and get me if someone knocks." He stated. Y/n nodded and inspected her room. The walls were a plain light gray, the bedding is all white, and all the furniture is a cherry wood color.  She could tell the room hadn't been used in a while. All the furniture had a light layer of dust resting on it. She dropped my bag on the floor and went to the bed. Pulling the pillows off and shaking them clean, then she did the same to the comforter and sheets. She put everything back together and tossed her bag onto the bed. She trudged down the hall and searched for a duster. 


Y/n woke up to a loud slam of a door. She had drool dripping from the corner of her mouth and her hair was all messy.  She cleaned herself up and darted out the door. Carefully sneaking down the hall to see Aizawa and Present Mic. A pained sigh of relief left her body. She felt like she was going to explode if it was a villain. "I'm pretty sure she's still asleep. Just keep an eye on her while I do my patrol." Aizawa's hushed tone echoed through the quiet apartment. "Well, it seems that she woke up. Don't worry! I got this. We can hang out and watch tv or something!" Present Mic's voice echoed loudly in the apartment. Both Aizawa and Y/n cringed at the sudden loudness. 

"Oh! Sorry." He apologized. Aizawa sighed sharply before walking to the door. "Just make sure she's safe. I'll be back in a few hours. And for the love of all that holy, don't set my apartment on fire!" He grumbled. He turned and left, the door making a loud slam. "So... What do you wanna do first?!" Present Mic excitedly shouted. "I'd like to eat something and go back to bed," she mumbled. His entire mood soured and he looked all depressed. "Aw. Party pooper! I was hoping we could hang out! I guess I'll just binge-watch F/s* by myself." He whined, Y/n's ears perked at that name. "Wait, did you say F/s? They're still airing it?" she asked. Present Mic smiled widely. "Yeah! I love that show. It's great! Wanna watch it with me?!" He asked excitedly. She shrugged and plopped herself on the couch. "Sure! Turn it on," she replied. He grabbed up the remote and turned on the show before plopping onto the couch beside her. 

*F/s = Favorite show.


Edited: 1/18/2023  Word Count: 1,229

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