Chapter Fifteen

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The darkness consumed everything in the room she sat in. Fear itched its way into her spine as she stared at the faint sliver of light from under the door. The voices, the hushed whispers making their way through the door. All of them discuss how to get another rise out of her. How to hurt her, and how to utterly destroy her. The whispers came to a sudden halt as someone stormed towards the door. She shrank back into the corner, trying to delay the inevitable. The blinding light filled the room as the figure made its way toward her. She recognized him as Shigaraki. He picked her up by fistfuls of her hair. "Where is your quirk?!" His raspy voice roared, and she could feel his spit spraying onto her dirtied face. Her body trembled as she tried to free her hair from his grasp. She seemed to be the only one in the world who is able to counteract his quirk. His quirk won't work on her. 

"I said- WHERE IS IT? I KNOW IT IS THERE!" The raspiness of his voice gone from the screaming, but that didn't stop the spray of spit that coated her face. He shook her and threw her trembling body to the ground. It wasn't long before he started kicking and screaming profanities at her. She could feel each bruise starting to form and even her ribs cracking from his kicks. Y/n just balled herself up to try and lessen the damage. But it was all futile as Dabi walked in. Shigaraki gave in and quit, but Dabi stood in for him as soon as he stepped down."Wanna show us your new tricks Dollface?" His voice grumbled. She looked up in complete horror as his hand lit up in those blue flames."Or am I gonna have to force it outta you?" His scarred face grinned as he brought his hand closer to her legs. Everything slowed as his blue-flamed hand curled around her exposed right ankle.

A scream lurched its way out of Y/n's throat as she snatched her right ankle to her body. Slowly her mind came back to reality as she slowly looked around at the walls of Fatgum's agency. Loud running stomps echoed in the halls as the familiar hero launched himself around the corner. "What's wrong (Y/n)?!" his panicked breaths huffed out. She visibly shook as she tried to calm herself down. "I- I just-" She slowly took deep breaths and calmed herself down. "I had a nightmare." She finally breathed out. His concerned expression lightened as he sat down beside her. "I'm sorry about that doll, Would you like to talk about it?" Y/n flinched at the nickname and shivered in a mix of disgust and fear. "Please- don't call me that," she whispered, Fatgum nodded and apologized. She hugged him as she bawled her eyes out. 

"I just- The nightmare was a memory. One of them- Dabi, called me doll and dollface. They were hurting me." she told him. He nodded understandingly and held her close. She buried her face into his belly, she could smell a sweet scent like a bakery. "It's okay, we won't let them hurt you again. Not as long as I am here!" He announced courageously. They both shared a laugh at his announcement. She held her right ankle and pulled up her pant leg. She showed Fatgum and traced the scarred skin. "They did this to me. Dabi did it to me when I wouldn't- well couldn't activate the quirks they had tried to pump into me." She explained. Fatgum's happy expression went dark as he stared at her scarred leg. "I promise I will make sure they won't lay a finger on you." His usual happy-go-lucky mood was darkened as he made his promise to her. His arms circled around her as he held her tight. "I don't want you to ever go through this again. If you need someone to talk to I am always here." He murmured. 


When Y/n woke up again she was laying on top of him. But he still was cradling her in his arms. As soon as she tried to sit up he stirred and sat up too. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to dose off on ya." Y/n shook her head and chuckled. "I probably fell asleep before you did." she joked. They both stood up and stretched. A loud chiming sound filled the room as Fatgum started patting his pockets for his phone. Then he felt around the couch cushions and pulled out the obnoxious phone. "Oh shoot! I forgot that was tonight!" He furrowed his brow. "What's tonight?" Y/n asked, he turned to her and sighed. "The pro heroes have a banquet hall party sorta thing every year. I forgot that they were holding it tonight." He answered, he scratched his neck and thought quietly for a moment.

"I- I can't just leave you here, but I already reserved for myself. I don't know if I should go." He thought aloud. Y/n stood awkwardly as he faltered "Ah- What if I just take you with me?" He questioned, he looked to her for her answer with pleading eyes. "I only have two options here (Y/n). I either take you with me or don't go at all. It's up to you." He told her, he looked really hopeful and his eyes were silently pleading for her to say yes. "I- I don't have anything to wear for a fancy banquet. It would be your first official year going right?" she asked, her voice quaking slightly as her anxiety rose. "Yes, it would be my first year going as an official pro hero. But if you don't want to go that's okay, I don't mind staying back this year." His happy tone had an undertone of sadness. She chewed at the insides of her cheeks as she tried to calm herself down.

"Its a party of pro heroes right? So if anything were to happen I will be safe right?" She asked him. He looked elated and nodded his head. "You're not wrong. What about Aizawa? You don't think he'd be pissed at me for taking you to a party?" He questioned. They both stared at each other and smiled. "He wouldn't care if it's to something where there are tons of pro heroes. He himself might be there tonight too," he answered his own question. "Now, we just gotta get you something to wear. I know just who to call!" He grinned widely and picked up his phone. After a few minutes of the dial tone, Y/n heard a woman pick up. He had the phone on speaker and was grinning. 

"Nemuri! Could you do me a favor?" The woman on the other side hummed a response and fatgum sighed. "And what might this favor be~?" her voice purred through the phone making both Fatgum and Y/n mildly uncomfortable. "I have a lady friend who is going to the party tonight and she doesn't have anything to wear. I figured you might be up for some shopping with her." He replied, Y/n could hear her shocked gasp on the other side as she giggled. "Ohhhhhh~ Fatgum has a lovely little lady now does he? No problem! Just let me pick her up from the agency and I'll make sure to find something wonderful for the girlie!" Her voice teased over the phone before the abruptly ended the call. Fatgum groaned in mild fear.

"Maybe I should've taken you to the mall myself? Careful with Nemuri, she is not called the R-rated hero just for shits and giggles. She might try to put you in something inappropriate." he warned Y/n. She nodded and slightly smiled. "You don't have to worry. I am an adult anyway, don't forget. I won't let her put me in anything too much." She laughed nervously. "You seem to underestimate Nemuri's willpower." Fatgum laughed. "Don't worry too much Fatgum." Y/n assured. He nodded and hugged her. "You can call me Taishiro. I'll see you later on. I'll let Nemuri bring you to the party since I know she will keep you till time to go." He waved her off and went towards his own room. Y/n let out a sigh of relief. She knew tonight was going to be a royal shitshow.

Edited: 1/18/2023  Word Count: 1,404

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