Chapter 4

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Languages has always been Kaminari's favorite things. It's beautiful in its own way. He may have a hard time processing what's the alphabet, but it does not stopping him from learning.

Maybe you would think he learned most languages because of his mother's quirk, well yes but also no.

He has always had love reading; literature is literally his favourite subject. No matter the genres, he likes it. Although, he isn't really into romance, sure if it's the old ones he would be okay. His favourite genres so far? Must be thriller, it's scarily beautiful.

People would thought he's into romance and comedic by his personality, actually you would think he doesn't like reading at all. But that's of course, is wrong. He can't focus and it makes him being the last one in class -due to his ADHD- but when it comes to something that he found interesting, he would hyperfocus and spent hour on it.

One day, he come across a book, even in another language he could tell that the book was going to be great, so he learned the language of the book. Turn out, he was correct, the book indeed is pretty good.
And so, because most of the book he want to read would be in another languages, he learned it despite it making him having a hard time. He found himself liking languages so much, that make him start learning the advance type of the specific language.

Now, how many languages does he know? Well he knows 4 -not including English and Japanese- which is French, Italian, Spanish and Russian. He wanted to learn Korean and Chinese but it's hard since the alphabet is complicated just like Japanese. He also knows ASL which state for American Sign Language. It's complicated but worth it.


He's walking on the side road, looking around, admiring how peaceful the morning is. The bird chirping, the sun starting to rise, the vehicles on the road, seller opening their shops.

Where he is going? Well to the orphanage he's been volunteering at. He's been helping there since before school starts and it's nice, everyone there like him. He doesn't volunteer for wealthy, fame or anything. It's simply because he once used to be in the same situation as them. Also it's an easy task to make them warm up to him due to his outgoing personality, and of course, his love for kids. He had always love kids, they are cute and would just be okay with anything you said, but of course they want candy in return; this is not surprising at all. They don't judge you, people now these days keep judging everyone by their cover and it's sometimes hilarious for him, those kinds of people is pretty easy to manipulate; no, his mother did not teach him that but part of him always focusing on how his mother manipulate him (he guessed he found it interesting).

He knocks on the orphanage's door and slightly open it, he sees the kids look at him expectedly. They knew he would come by; he always come when it's Saturday. His mother knows that he is volunteering at the orphanage, she isn't against it instead she's happy since well, he at least did something to be proud of. Anyways, this is the reason why his mother had asked if he could come back home whenever it's weekend so he could still volunteer here.

They rushed towards him, bouncing around and greet him excitedly.

"Hi, how are guys doing?" he smiled at them, furrowing his eyebrows.

"We're good!"

"Mama teach us how to bake cake!"

"Yes. It was delicious!

"I was sick for a few days, but I'm good now!"

"We all are fine, Kaminari-san. How are you?" said Isamu, he's the oldest one there, fourteen years old and on the last year of junior high. Most of them are five to ten years old. The second oldest is Emiko, she's thirteen and on the second year of junior high.

life || kaminariTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang