Part 2

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When I turn around the three other guys look jealous. The guy who got it to the reciver was the backup quaterback. The guy who I threw to came up to me.

-Hi I'm James, what's your name?

-Hi, My name is Lin- I mean it's Drew

-Well, Drew, you are really good

-Thanks, you are really good too

After a while, everyone got their part on the team. I have pretty much learned everyone's names. Then Coach said, "Ok, lets do a game-like situation" I imediately started panicking. What if- Wait Lindsay, don't live your life with what ifs. I call the play and get in postition. I see Johnny eyeing me, he's coming after me.

They snap the ball. I get into the pocket. I scan the field and James is wide open. I throw the ball to him but I get hit in the process. I look up and Johnny is ontop of me. Then I realize that I'm not wearing my helmet! I quickly grab it amd put it on. Luckily everyone was paying attention to James, while he scored a touchdown.

-What was that for Johnny

-People would do that in the game

-Well, my helmet came off, so the whole team almost found out

-Oh, sorry

-It's ok, lets go home


Then we walk home together.

Go Big or Go HomeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz