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(Everything you will need to know is eighter in the 'what you need to know' chapter or in the description. If you want to see the old pictures from these chapters then you can look into my update book!)


Y/N's pov.

I was just laying down on the bed not really doing much. My ceiling is the only thing that is keeping me at ease and staring up to it I almost feel like something is missing. Feeling nostalgic about wanting glowing stars on the ceiling...

After a few hours of just laying there, I decided that I just couldn't take the silence in my room anymore and opened the window to the outside fire ladders. Most people would be annoyed to find out that I use the fire ladders, though I could care less about them. They are always criticizing everyone, me doing some stupid shit hasn't hurt anyone. 

When I opened the window a strange smoke smell was present.  It was seeping into my room making me hold my breath and close it quickly again. The smoking came from a guy who had a hat covering his face...

I had heard about this guy before but never asked what anyone meant since most people here talk bullshit about everyone no matter where they are from. The things are mostly about how smokers, in general, are bad people doing drugs. It's stupid in my opinion...

He has been here a few times before but I have never really felt like I could speak to him. Tonight was different though and I feel the need to talk to this guy. My boredom was killing me slowly and I just have to. 

I sneakily opened and got out of the window onto the platform walking as carefully as possible... Any wrong move could cause me to slip and fall since it had just been raining not too long ago.

However, that was quickly lost since I slipped anyways and fell forward right onto a trash bin!


Garcello's pov

I am standing by the wall of an apartment building while thinking of something. The people who owned the hotel really didn't like my smoking. After being there everyone had started the rumor of me being an asshole... 

I had to switch places so here I am... This is the place that I go to now since being over there might get me in jail someday... I do miss the good people there though making me sigh.

I can hear something strange from the fire ladders. I don't pay any mind to it at all since there have always been birds on these since I was here. Stupid fucking food thieves...

All I can think of is the time they took my ice cream cone and just fucking swallowed it... Well, I can't really say that it was impossible for it to do so since I wasn't any better...

I can feel myself blush as I remember the carnival... Yeah, my gag reflexes are fucked after accidentally swallowing that cone while doing a dare...

I shake my head realizing that I was thinking a bit too far off into the past. Then I realize something...

Wait, I have been smoking for a while. That should mean that the birds have flown away already from the smoke!

Before I can elaborate on that question I hear a thump on the dumpster lid beside me. It scares the hell out of me and I jump but from the shock, I didn't turn my head to the sound. 

"Hello, there stranger!"


Y/N's pov

I can feel my back hurt from the hard plastic smacking my back but I think I should be fine since it was only a few stories high... Moving slightly just to make sure though I find my spine cracking slightly but only just a bit...

Looking towards the stranger I realize that he looks a bit worried... Is he scared?

"Hello, there stranger!" I say out sounding really unsure but I think it grabbed his attention.

He finally seemed to look over and while he did so I smiled slightly in a worrying way to give him a feeling that I was sorry. I really was... But I need help getting out of here.

He breathed out in a huff of strangely colored smoke and turned his head the other way. He dragged in another round on the light cyan cigarette before turning back to me.

"Sorry man, I didn't mean to frighten ya too bad." I try to make him respond to me but I start to feel like this was a bad idea. I really want to get out of this position but my body isn't letting me.

"Jeez kid, you scared me badly there! I hope you didn't break anything. Can you move?" He ended that question with a slight laugh mixed with a huff.

"Yeah... Actually, no... Can you help me? My body is in the type of pain that isn't unbearable but I don't want to move..." I reply trying to make him help me not really sure if he would since I just frightened him...

"Oh, yeah! Sure... Let me just..." He walks towards me and climbs up the trash bin. The way he crawls makes me feel slightly scared, he looks really smug and it worries me.

He grabs my hand and pulls me while sliding down the trash bin. I chuckle slightly feeling the pulling hurt my shoulder just a bit. Once I'm on the edge I feel myself get pulled off and I scream a bit.

Then I close my eyes thinking that I would be falling hard on the pavement... Instead, I feel something under both my knees and my back holding me up. It's the stranger! Thank god he saved me from that...

He let me down to the ground making me happy that I finally was able to get my feet on sweet pavement again. I can hear the male chuckle beside me making me feel flustered over what I just did... 

"Hmm... I think I might need a new one... Do you want one?" He pulls out a cigarette that looks identical to the one he was using before out of a box. 

"Ah! No, I promised someone I wouldn't smoke." I said, it was a lie but I knew how this would go if I didn't have an excuse. He would keep on asking and then make a deal about it. I just knew it from experience with other people... 

"Oh, well sorry. I guess there is no way of going around that?" He looks kinda sad like he wants someone to smoke with. Maybe he just needs someone to talk to...

"Hey! I can still stay, I kinda got down here to talk to you anyways." I say laughing slightly about how I got down here, to begin with.

"You know that secondhand smoke isn't a good thing neither?" He states the fact like I don't know what it is like... I don't feel like telling him right now though so I just keep lying.

"As long as I keep my promise!" I reply to him as I lay my back on the same wall as him. I smile and look up at the stars feeling really calm around this man.


(I'm finally done with editing this chapter and now it's just the rest left. It's a lot more different than I would have wanted. Originally the reader was able to jump on his own onto the trash bin without breaking anything but then I realized how stupid that sounds. Now it's more realistic I guess?)

---(Until The Next Chapter!)---

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