Chapter XVIII: Everyone Wins

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"Geez, are they even in town right now?" I groan after having been walking around for a while.

"I can confirm that, yes," Penelope answers, continuing to provide as little help as possible. "I read the stars last night and I can indeed say that we're very close to finding your parents."

We had all split up again, but a little differently this time. Instead of everyone individually searching different parts of town, we broke into pairs with Cota and Allura teaming up and Penelope and I teaming up as well. It was Allura who suggested the idea. She claimed that by having two people search together, one person could keep their eye on the other person and make sure they're doing what they're supposed to. Allura also suggested that by having two people, someone would have an eye out in places the other person doesn't. Her example was imagining that while I'm looking to the right, my "teammate" would be looking to the left, therefore covering more ground.

Cota was the one who recommended the members of the groups. She said it would allow more bonding time for everyone as a secondary goal. It's a sweet notion, but we probably should've done it differently. The problem is Penelope and I get along well together, especially with her being my employer, and Cota and Allura get along decently, despite Allura's carefree and, at times, destructive attitude. I did bring that part up, but Cota simply didn't like the idea of her and me being a team. She decided that us being a team would be too distracting because of our relationship.

"It must suck not being able to use your magic out here," I keep my voice low as we pass the townsfolk.

"I admit it is quite inconvenient not being able to warp and fly, but it's nice to feel like a normal civilian admiring the sights."

"Don't you feel like you stand out a little having purple hair and eyes?"

"We live in a world of anthropomorphic animals and humans with half the genetic code of animals. Having purple hair and eyes is the least of my concerns."

"Well, when you put it that way..."

Penelope puts her arm in mine as we walk, giving me a detailed speech on the history of Ironhaven. It's not very interesting to listen to, honestly. When she starts giving a history lesson on the mass genocide of Sidor residents centuries ago, I listen a little closer.

She explains how citizens from another town in the Sidor Kingdom conspired with the people in Ironhaven to overthrow the king at the time. The coup failed and word got out. That entire other city was burned to the ground at dead of night by order of the king, killing over 80% of its population. Meanwhile, Ironhaven having heard the news willingly turned over its harbored criminals. The Ironhaven conspirators were hung with the king watching sternly in the front row.

I know how Penelope is, but her intelligence is surprising to me. I skipped school most times at her age. I wasn't going out to smoke or do drugs or anything of that sort, I just didn't like being told what to do for seven hours a day, starting so early in the morning. For the days I participated, I never came close to understanding history the way she seems to.

It doesn't matter much to me anymore, being a high school dropout and all, but I guess when you're like Penelope, with only books wherever you look, information comes pretty easy.

"I love you, Kaela," Penelope says suddenly.

I had zoned out listening to her and thinking about how smart she is, so this catches me by surprise.

"Huh? You... I mean I... I have a girlfriend, you know, uh, C-Cota wouldn't like you saying such things..." I stammer and blush from the sudden rush. When did she move from a history lesson to such a confession of emotions? "B-Besides, I'm too old for you, it wouldn't feel right..."

Penelope giggles childishly. The most genuine and heartfelt laugh I've ever heard from her. "I suppose not having siblings does that to you. If you'll recall our affinity, we have a bond similar to that of sisters. I don't agree with the concept of sibling rivals, with their unnecessary quarrels and bitter emotions, however, and prefer to positively express my feelings for you."

"Ah, r-right, of course," My face is warm from embarrassment. "I love you too." I smile awkwardly.

Today's search turns up nothing. Penelope and I found nothing, Cota and Allura found nothing. Cota did, however, find something she considered worth interest.

"Darling, look!" She chirps excitedly after everyone's admitted to being empty-handed for clues. She reveals a piece of paper with tears in the corner from where it came off of whatever it was stapled to. "The fair is in town tonight! We should go! It'll be so much fun for all of us!"

"I don't know... This is on such short notice, plus you know how I feel about crowds." I don't want to tell her no, but the fair just isn't something I'm interested in.

"It would do us all some good," Penelope says.

"I'm in it for the food," Allura shrugs indifferently.

"Ok, ok, fine," I finally oblige. "But it won't be fun for me. I'd rather just track down my parents."

"Consider that such an event would concentrate a plethora of citizens into one area, perhaps making a search easier," Penelope adds.

"I guess that makes sense, but--"

Cota interrupts. "I'll let you have some catnip at home if you go to the fair."

She definitely drives a hard bargain. "Deal," I oblige.

"Perfect! Everyone wins!" Cota squeals with joy.

"It would be best to arrive after the day's last light occurrence," Penelope says. None of us caught what she meant, so she elaborates. "The moment at the end of sunset in which the last amount of light from the sun disappears under the horizon."

"Can you just summon us or something whenever you're ready?" Allura crosses her arms.

Penelope sighs. "Fine."

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