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Okay okay so basicky right I have so many unpublished stories in my drafts so I have 2 main ones that I want to post but I'm not sure which so I'm either gonna do both or I'll wait a little longer till I can decide. Also troye sivans music is just *chefs kiss* it's currently like idk 12:30 at night when I'm writing this and I'm supposed to be up at 7 but I don't normally get up till 7:50am so that's great I'm gonna be so tired for school because I'm gonna actually write some fanfic after this. I have it all written on paper which doesn't help because I'm sitting in my room in the dark accept from candles and  paper near candles don't mix 😃 so let's hope I don't burn the house down. And honestly lately I've been obsessed with sad songs so if anyone knows any let me knowww. Also like I've had this friend who I have knows for YEARSSSS and now she's hanging out with her boyfriends friends one of which just so happens to be this girl who HATES me I mean the feelings mutual yk but basicky my friend has been spending all her time with her and when she's with me she only ever talks about that girl who I hate so I'm getting really pissed off becase she literally hates me and tries to take all my friends away but tbh she welcome you have this friend that I have rn becase she is pissing me tf of and is only friends with her becase of her boyfriend. The second her and her boyfriend break up she will come running back to me apologising and tbh I'm so done. Like I love my friend to bits but I feel like it's time to let her go. We have been drifting apart lately and she's been blocking me on Instagram and Snapchat and also has my number block which is really frustrating becase I can't even talk to her. When I do talk to her she talks about that girl I hate so I literally just give up. And I've been sitting on my own at lunch becase I really don't wanna be around anyone atm especially when everything is falling appart becase if I'm around others it will literally either make me really angry and start to punch them or it will make me sad and start to cry. But literally I don't know what to do I want to speak to her and tell her how I feel but I can't becase she never shuts up about that other mf. So like my only option is to start to back away and sit by my self and not talk to her to see if she will actually talk to me so I can tell her but that probably won't work becase I know she will jsut forget about me. But yeah I don't wanna loose her but I think at this point I might just have to. I mean it's okay though I don't mind I guess maybe it was supposed to be like this yk becasue our families both hate each other and it's like romeo and Juliet accept it's in a non romantic way. That probably made no sense 💀 but yeah that's my issue of the month and idk what to do so that's great. Oh yeah and plus to make matters worse I'm now being bullied online and in school becase of my hair colour 💀💀 like ffs get over it it's a damn hair colour.  Wait why did the font change I don't like that how do I make it go back? Ahhh I'm scared idk what happened I pressed the space bar and it's now like this??? Right I'm gonna go this is gonna piss me of 😩 sorry for ranting.

Word count: 765

Also it's a Monday when I'm uploading this. It was wrote on Sunday. And the time is now about 6pm I came home from school. It was awful. So first of I was late and I was crying becase yeah I have issues and then my whole class made fun of me then when I was home I got caught in the rain so I am soaking wet. And yeah let's just say today was the worst day ever. Also about my friend yeah she broke up with her boyfriend and now has no one to hang out with so she's being nice to me again. Tbh idk what to do or say anymore

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