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- not in the slightest Seok-woo.
She said lifting her leg in between his thick thighs, trying to rub it against his length, but he stopped her.
- I advise you to stop playing with fire sweetheart, I'm still somewhat hard from earlier, I'll take you right on top of my desk.
- please let's talk about this training or whatever like you said earlier.
- well is Friday you could come over to my house.
- oh no sir, that's a recipe for disaster.
- what are you saying?
- you won't do any work, you just want me to come over to...
He made her stand up.
- I don't need those kinds of tricks for that love.
He said squeezing her butt.
- I could sit you on top of the copy machine and then have my way with you, I also can rip your clothes off and take you on top of my desk or make you ride me while I sit on the chair.
- please stop, some things don't change, do they, you are the same, always horny, always wanting to be entangled anywhere you think of.
She smiled kissing him softly.
- that's because you make me like this, I want you now, I will want you later, and later after that.
He said with a growl.
- I can't win with you Seok-woo.
- you won already y/n.
- how so?
She arched her eyebrow.
- you have me eating from your palm.
- stop playing.
She couldn't help but laugh, while he engulfed her in his warm embrace, her arms moved to his shoulders, it felt like they never broke up, everything so familiar, his scent, his strong arms wrapping around her, always made her feel so safe at ease, for her misfortune there was no other place like it in the world, at night when is time to sleep, whenever she is worried about something, upset, angry, a hug from him made everything better always.
- why did we break up again?
She tried to remember but there was never a valid reason for it, he wasn't a cheater, always treat her like a queen, he always put her needs before his, whatever she wanted he made it happen, but especially the love, the way he had loved her while they were a couple made her feel like she was the luckiest woman in the world.
She wanted that back, but her stupid pride wouldn't allow her to give up first even though he didn't disappoint her in any way.
Her fingers played with the hairs on the back of his head while breathing his masculine scent, his cologne was intoxicating, sandalwood and peony, always very characteristic of him, always smelled amazing and well dressed, and he was never short of impeccable.
- I have to go back to work Seok-woo.
She whined but was still holding him, he loosened his arms.
- ok I let go.
She was still holding onto him.
- baby, I let go.
- ah yes.
She unhooked her arms, backing away from him.
- I was being serious about you coming over to my house tomorrow, we can work there comfortably, I'll behave like a gentleman.
- you promise.
- I do promise.
- ok deal, text me your address, and I'll give you my phone number.
- did you change it after we...?
- no I didn't.
- well I still have it.
He said opening his phone and looking for her contact.
- I still have yours too.
She confessed.
- really, I thought that would be the first thing you would do when we broke up, erase my number.
- I did not need that is not like we broke up on bad terms Seok-woo.
- ok, if that's the case then why have you been so hostile toward me since I got here?
He looked at her with curiosity stamped all over his handsome features.
- I don't know Seok-woo, honestly I don't think I was mad at you, I have been mad at myself because I could never...
She cut off her sentence.
- you what? tell me, please.
- nothing forget it, I have to go back to work.
She said running out of the office.
- aigooyah this woman is an enigma.
He said shaking his head.
- I want to understand her.
He got back to work.
Later on, he walked out of his office, the lights were dimmed, and no one was around.
- damn how long I have been in there?
Then he noticed one single light on.
- this woman doesn't change for heaven's sake.
He made his way up there.
- some things don't change, huh?
She got startled by his deep voice.
- what are you still doing here Seokwoo?
- I should ask you that question madame.
- I got too into this, I had too many distractions today for some reason.
She said giving him a playful look.
- oh really, who could do such a thing in here?
He turned his head to the side avoiding her accusing stare.
- well, that doesn't matter right now, you should go home.
- I should go home?
He said placing the open hand over his chest.
- yes is late Seok-woo.
- what about you, why are you such a workaholic woman?
- I told you that I have deadlines to meet Seok-wooo and your playing today has me even more behind.
- jeez woman lighten up, would you?
He said walking around her desk grabbing her hand making her stand up.
- what are you doing?
- we are leaving.
- I can't Seokwoo...
He shushes her with a kiss.
- I said we are leaving I don't care how much you whine, complain, or fight, so grab your things and let's go.
- Seok-woo...
- y/n, would you like for me to throw you over my shoulder?
- no that's ok, we are leaving.
He chuckled at her reaction.
- you are barbaric for the love of heaven.
- wanted a little preview.
- stop and let's go, please.
She said pushing him out of the office to the elevators.
- are you hungry?
He asked casually, she looked at him, his head was down looking at his feet, she found this so endearing and cute, this gigantic man blushing like a little kid.
- Seok-woo?
- hmmm.
- why are you looking down like that? lookup, why are you embarrassed?
- I haven't asked anyone out since you.
- well if it makes you feel better no one has asked me out since you, well they have I just haven't said yes.
- why, if may I ask?
- well because they aren't you.
She said looking the other way.
- really?
She nodded while looking at the elevator wall.
- so I can assume that you still have feelings for me, or am I just delusional?
- not delusional, I think I am delusional because I haven't been able to get you out of my mind Seok-woo.
- deep sigh* I thought I was alone in this lonely boat, but I see that I wasn't.
- what do you mean?
- I haven't been able to forget you either, haven't you noticed?
- well I did but I thought it was just you being yourself, always a horn dog.
- wow don't make me sound like that y/n.
She giggled.
- don't fret Woo it was a joke.
- you called me Woo.
His eyes were fixed on her.
- gasp*, I'm so sorry I didn't realize that I did.
He smiled giddily hearing her freak out.
- don't worry my love, I have always loved that name, you know this.
He moved closer reaching for her hand and taking it in his, her face turned back to him, and her heart jumped when she saw his face closer to her.
- you have no ideas how much I have missed feeling you close to me.
He said while his thumb caressed the back of her hand.
- have you?
He found her eyes, they were saying everything that words couldn't say.
- like crazy, when we first broke I felt my breathing shortening now and then, it took me a while to get used to not being with you, that's why I left for the United States so I could put distance between us otherwise I was going to come begging you like I have no pride, but I know now that I was wrong, that I shouldn't listen to my heart.

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