Luke's sister- Michael

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*You're Luke's sister*
You hear the front door open and slam shut. You instantly know that it's your brother, the Lucas Hemming's bandmates. I honestly don't mind them that much, accept for the fact luke is super annoying when theyre here, and doesn't let me go near them.

I've just been watching episodes of American horror story on Netflix for hours, and I am kinda hungry. But I ignore that for as long as I can. I was about to go get some food, but luke told me to stay upstairs because he "didn't want me to bother him."

Suddenly, there is a loud knock at my door, which literally scared the shit out of me. I fell off my bed, and got up to go answer the door.

I see a sleepy michael at my door, and he has pizza. "Hi?" I said, opening the door wider for him to walk in. We both go and sit down on my bed. I've always had a massive crush on michael. He hands me the pizza, and says,"I thought you'd be hungry, you've been up here forever."
"Well Luke said I had to stay in my room," I sigh
"Yeah he can be an ass sometimes," we both laugh. "You should come downstairs," he smiles.

I shake my head, "no it'll just make Luke made, I'm fine here anyways," I say with a smile. He moves closer and pecks my cheek. I blush like mad. "Sorry, I shouldn't have-" I cut him off, "it's totally fine," I wink with confidence.

He smiles and heads out the door, but I stop him before he goes out the door. I peck his cheek similar to the way he did. He smiles and walks downstairs.

Later, I am watching some random movie and my phone lights up.

Michael: Hey, I just wanted to tell you, that I really like you. I should probably do this in person but I've tried and it didn't work, also luke would kick my ass.

I have no idea what to write, but I smile to myself like a geek, and respond

Me: I know how you feel.... I've had a massive crush on you since forever. Are you still here?
Michael: Yes;)
Me: Come on up in 20 minutes, make sure Luke doesn't notice. xx

Let's just say you and michael talked for a while and now you have a thing together, and it was a really good night for both of you.

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